The Mysterious Saint Imu and the Secrets of the Nerona Family in One Piece

The Mysterious Saint Imu and the Secrets of the Nerona Family in One Piece

Discover the mysterious Saint Imu of the Nerona Family, a possible sovereign of the world from the void century Uncover the secrets of the Nerona Family and explore the incredible powers of Saint Imu

The world of One Piece is a vast and ever-expanding universe, with new details about the Void Century slowly being revealed by Oda. Fans have long been curious about what happened during this 100-year period, and the Final Saga is finally providing some answers. In addition, we are learning more about enigmatic characters like the Five Elders and the ruler of the world, Imu. The 20 Kings and their families, who played a role in the creation of the World Government, have also been the subject of recent exposition. One recent revelation is the existence of the Nerona Family, from which Saint Imu hails.

What Is The Nerona Family?

The Mysterious Saint Imu and the Secrets of the Nerona Family in One Piece

Little is known about the Nerona Family in the world of One Piece, except that it was one of the original Founding 20 that created the World Government and fought against the Ancient Kingdom in the distant past. According to Emporio Ivankov, the only person other than Dragon and Sabo to know the secrets of the Reverie, the Sovereign of the Nerona Family was Imu. Given their opposition to the Ancient Kingdom and Imu's rise to power as the world's ruler, it is likely that the Nerona Family was one of the most influential during the Void Century. Fans also speculate that the Nerona and Nefertari Families were at odds, with the Nefertari believed to have been against the Ancient Kingdom, despite Queen Nefertari D. Lily's writings about protecting the Poneglyphs and bringing about the Dawn of the world.

Queen Lily's decision to not become a Celestial Dragon and instead return to Arabasta to rule her people proved to be a costly one. She disappeared under mysterious circumstances, with King Cobra suspecting foul play and Imu being a prime suspect due to their past grudges. The Nefertari and Nerona Families undoubtedly have a deep history, but the details are lost to time with the passing of King Cobra.

Who Is Saint Imu Of The Nerona Family?

The Mysterious Saint Imu and the Secrets of the Nerona Family in One Piece

Saint Imu is a well-known name in the world of One Piece, as confirmed by Emporio Ivankov. Even Cobra, who had knowledge of Imu, claimed that Imu was one of the First 20 in the One Piece world. While Cobra had more information about Imu, he was interrupted by Imu themselves and later killed. Emporio Ivankov also knew of Imu's existence and stated that during the creation of the World Government, there was a Saint Imu who was one of the Founding 20 and became a Celestial Dragon after taking a vow long ago.

Imu's rise to absolute power is somewhat mysterious, but it is believed to be due to their immortality. While the other 19 Founding Sovereigns eventually died, Imu survived thanks to the incredible power of the Ope Ope no Mi, also known as the Ultimate Devil Fruit. The Perennial Youth Surgery likely granted Imu immortality, making them the strongest and most authoritative of all the Celestial Dragons.

Despite their immense power, Saint Imu of the Nerona Family is not widely known. Only the Gorosei, who are believed to be the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons, are aware of Imu's existence. When Imu came to power, even the Gorosei bowed down to them. It is possible that the Gorosei themselves raised Imu, similar to how the Donquixote Family raised Doflamingo as their king. Regardless, Imu of the Nerona Family, one of the 20 Founding Sovereigns, has ruled the entire world since their ascension to power.

The Powers Of Saint Imu

The Mysterious Saint Imu and the Secrets of the Nerona Family in One Piece

It is not surprising that Saint Imu wields immense power given their rule over the entire world. However, it is important to note that Imu's influence extends far beyond politics. In fact, they are so formidable that they are rightfully regarded as the ruler of the world. To ascend to the Empty Throne, Imu must possess a level of power that surpasses even the most dangerous members of the Founding 20, who were capable of fighting and defeating the Ancient Kingdom. Imu's recent revelation of possessing a Devil Fruit only adds to their already impressive strength. During Sabo's attack, Imu transformed into a creature with massive jaws, devouring Sabo's fire and even killing King Cobra. Although the exact species of Imu's Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit remains unknown, it is speculated to be a Western Dragon or a Mythical God possessing the power to unleash chaos.

It is widely understood amongst fans that Saint Imu of the Nerona Family is regarded as the ruler of the world, and achieving such a position would require the traits of a Conqueror. Therefore, it wouldn't come as a surprise if Imu were to demonstrate the use of the Color of the Supreme King or Conqueror's Haki in the future. Although Oda has already divulged a fair amount of information about Saint Imu, much remains unknown about this character. Fortunately, One Piece is not hesitant to delve into the history of the Void Century and those who currently sit at the top of the world. It is safe to say that Oda will continue to unveil more details about Saint Imu, which is something for fans to look forward to with great anticipation.