Unveiling the Groundbreaking Importance of Queen Lily in One Piece

Discover the latest addition to One Piece's lore - the enigmatic Queen Neferatri Lily As the story progresses, her importance becomes increasingly apparent, and fans are left wondering just how significant a role she will play in the grand scheme of things
One Piece 1084 was a chapter full of fascinating historical details, particularly regarding the kingdom of Arabasta. Fans were already aware of this land's rich history, including the existence of a Poneglyph, as revealed during the Arabasta arc. However, this latest chapter unveils even more groundbreaking information about Arabasta.
At a surface level, One Piece 1084 delves into the events of the Void Century. A key figure introduced in this chapter is Nefertari Lily, the monarch of Arabasta at the time. While much about her life and appearance remains mysterious, Oda provides an intriguing outline for her character that adds significantly to the lore of the Nefertari Family.
Shortly before the Reverie, Cobra called for a meeting with the Five Elders to discuss matters related to the former kings of Arabasta. While he had Pell and Chaka with him, he alone went to meet with the Elders. Cobra wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter, delving into the events of the Void Century. He revealed that he had studied the historical texts and information of his country dating back hundreds of years, all the way back to that mysterious era.
According to Cobra, the World Government was established after the conclusion of the Void Century. The 20 Rulers of that time banded together to bring down the Ancient Kingdom and their allies, otherwise known as the Founding 20. When Marijoa was created and the Empty Throne was placed at its center, the 20 Rulers laid down their weapons in a show of respect for its integrity. This act acknowledged that no ruler was above the other and that the world had no true rulers. This gave the 20 Rulers equal power, and they moved to Marijoa to live their lives as Celestial Dragons.
Their Kingdoms were given new leaders and their original names were removed to ensure a seamless transition. However, there was one ruler who didn't ascend to the status of Celestial Dragon - Nefertari Lily, the monarch of Arabasta.
Queen Lily and Her Destiny
Queen Lily, one of the rulers of Arabasta 800 years ago, was among the band of 20 that fought against the Ancient Kingdom. Despite her potential to become a Celestial Dragon, she chose to rule her people and not ignore their needs. This decision resulted in only 19 weapons being laid in front of the Empty Throne. King Cobra discovered that records of her reign were accurate, but there was no mention of her after the founding of the World Government. Instead, her brother became the next ruler of Arabasta. Queen Lily had set out on a journey back home but met with a tragic accident along the way and perished. Despite King Cobra's efforts to uncover the truth, the Five Elders feigned ignorance, claiming the information had been lost to history. A letter from Queen Lily may have provided some answers, but its whereabouts remain unknown.
By arriving at the meeting with the 5 Elders fully prepared with a series of probing questions, Cobra caught them off guard. One of the most significant questions he asked was about the true meaning of the enigmatic "D." The Elders were taken aback by the question, as the meaning of the "D" is a closely guarded secret that is forbidden to be revealed. It is deemed to be so important that anyone who shows interest in it, like Cobra, is considered a threat to the World Government.
Cobra's status as a member of the Nefertari Family, who did not become Celestial Dragons, also makes him a traitor in the eyes of the World Government. As such, they are looking for any excuse to execute or eliminate him.
Cobra then revealed that he found a letter written by Queen Lily in the historical texts, which was passed down from generation to generation within the Nefertari Family. The letter mentions the people of the "D," but does not provide any explanation as to who they are or what the "D" means. This is why Cobra sought the Elders' guidance. Despite not having a complete understanding of the "D," the letter is significant enough to be passed down from one generation to the next and kept alive for centuries.
Unfortunately, the contents of Queen Lily's letter remain a mystery as Cobra chose not to disclose them to the public. However, his revelation was abruptly interrupted by the sudden arrival of Imu, the enigmatic ruler of the world. Even the Five Elders were taken aback by Imu's unexpected appearance and cautioned him against entering the Throne Room while Cobra was still present. Ignoring their warnings, Imu confidently ascended the Empty Throne, revealing to Cobra and the world that the World Government was corrupt to its core. This shocking realization left Cobra reeling as he had believed that there was no ruling authority in the world.
It's astonishing to discover that Imu had some sort of connection to Queen Lily's disappearance or death. The details of their involvement, or lack thereof, have yet to be uncovered. As the upcoming chapters of One Piece unfold, we can expect to finally unravel this mysterious case. Unfortunately, this revelation will also bring about the demise of King Cobra, who will fall victim to either Imu or the Five Elders. Sabo will be falsely accused of the crime and will henceforth be known as the Flame Emperor.