The Mind-Bending Twist in Cyberpunk 2077: Unveiling the Dark Secrets of Phantom Liberty

The Mind-Bending Twist in Cyberpunk 2077: Unveiling the Dark Secrets of Phantom Liberty

One fateful decision in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty sends shockwaves through the game, transforming it into a bone-chilling psychological horror experience for avid fans of the genre

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Phantom Liberty. If Cyberpunk 2077 prided itself on player choice, then Phantom Liberty takes that tradition further. The game offers different endings that branch out based on even the smallest choices fans make. These decisions not only shape the fates of numerous characters but also alter the outcome for the protagonist, V.

One transformative choice in particular shifts the game into a different genre entirely. It no longer feels like an action RPG, but more like something fans would find in Resident Evil or a psychological horror game. This occurs when players opt to side with Solomon Reed instead of Songbird in the penultimate quest of the DLC. By choosing Reed, the expansion extends with a few additional quests, eventually reaching the bone-chilling "Somewhat Damaged" quest.

How Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty's Somewhat Damaged Quest Literally Changes the Game

The Mind-Bending Twist in Cyberpunk 2077: Unveiling the Dark Secrets of Phantom Liberty

As the quest unfolds, V enters an abandoned Cynosure facility and quickly loses contact with Johnny Silverhand, immediately raising suspicions. The journey through the building is eerily quiet until V's vision starts glitching, and suddenly, Songbird's voice can be heard from behind a door. Opening the door, it becomes clear that So Mi is discussing the missile launch that targeted Myers' transport shuttle, unaware that her memories are being broadcast throughout the facility.

As V delves deeper into the deserted building, cryptic messages from So Mi suggest that she is battling against an unknown force. It is eventually revealed that Songbird is attempting to shield V from the control of Blackwall AIs that have taken over the facility's robots. In this stage, Cyberpunk 2077 takes on a horror-like atmosphere, where players must navigate through Songbird's memories while evading AI-possessed robots in order to locate and rescue the Netrunner.

The sequence of evading the droids can be likened to a suspenseful jumpscare. It builds up gradually, descending upon the protagonist before launching an attack, only to be stopped by Songbird just in time. This initiates a thrilling chase through the metallic facility, where the haunting sound of the robots' footsteps can be heard. However, this is just the beginning of the horror-filled section. Serving as a climactic finale to the game, it may not align with the spy-themed desires of some CP2077 Phantom Liberty players.

Meanwhile, as V navigates through various rooms, glimpses of Songbird's memories unfold. These include moments such as her undergoing an undisclosed operation, her oath upon joining the FIA, and the initial encounter with Reed. Each memory is accompanied by a dark and intense atmosphere, where battles between Songbird and her captors interject the player's attempts to assist the dire situation.

After a prolonged exploration of the Cynosure building and relentless efforts to free Songbird from the grasp of the Blackwall, V, the mercenary, finds themselves in a perilous situation as the AI-controlled robot known as Songbird takes control of their implants, gradually attempting to kill them. In the midst of this chaos, V and the player are teleported into Songbird's mind, where they witness additional memories from So Mi's life prior to the events of Cyberpunk 2077. As the Netrunner begins to lose herself, her surroundings dissolve into a chaotic red digital realm. However, players have the option to comfort her, encouraging her to fight for her survival.

This section does not involve any combat, as players must instead conceal themselves from various Cynosure robots that can emerge from any direction or room. Those with a penchant for horror may find solace in this particular route, offering a departure from the usual action-oriented RPG gameplay featured in Cyberpunk 2077. Throughout the facility, fragments of Songbird's memories are scattered, revealing her life and the traumas she has endured. Before being able to determine her fate as she teeters on the brink of the Blackwall, players are given a complete psychological profile of Songbird, ultimately deciding whether to grant her wish for death or save her with Reed's assistance. Both choices significantly impact the ending of the mission, Phantom Liberty.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.