Why Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel Needs More Iguana Eggs

Cyberpunk 2077's sequel must take inspiration from the game's Iguana Easter Egg, which added an unexpected depth and charm to the world-building CD Projekt Red should continue to employ such subtleties in their next installment to create an immersive and captivating experience
Cyberpunk 2077, while not meeting all expectations, has still achieved remarkable success and boasts a powerful narrative and engaging gameplay, particularly in its impressive first act. The game's setting and lore are complex and layered, providing an immersive experience for players. Even small details, like the addition of the iguana egg, add significant flavor and demonstrate the potential for further world-building and delayed gratification in the inevitable sequel.
CD Projekt Red's dedication to post-launch support has kept Cyberpunk 2077 in the public eye, aided by the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion and the Netflix series Cyberpunk Edgerunners. While details on Phantom Liberty are scarce, it has been confirmed that Idris Alba will play a role and players will be taken to a new district in Night City. Set for release later this year, more information on the game's first major expansion should be coming soon.
Cyberpunk 2077's Attention to Detail is Where it Shines
The iguanas in Cyberpunk 2077 may seem like a minor detail, but they serve a significant purpose in the game. During the Nomad path introductory quest, players are introduced to the adorable lizard, which they must smuggle into Night City. Later on, during The Heist, players can discover a well-hidden iguana egg in Yorinobu's penthouse. If players take the egg back to their apartment, incubate it for around 90 in-game days, it will hatch into their very own iguana pet.
While the iguana egg might not be a significant aspect of the game, its inclusion adds depth to Cyberpunk 2077. It showcases V's nurturing and caring side, which adds a touch of humanity to the character. Additionally, the existence of iguanas in the game highlights the devastating impact that the corpo-centric, technocratic future has had on nature. Iguanas are now considered incredibly rare and coveted due to their near-extinction.
Furthermore, the delayed payout that players receive after incubating the iguana egg is a reward that more games should strive for. It gives players the initial rush of discovering something new, and then later on, the gratifying surprise of another fold to that discovery. Overall, the inclusion of iguanas in Cyberpunk 2077 may seem small, but it adds depth and substance to the game in multiple ways.
CD Projekt Red Should Build on What Works for Cyberpunk's Sequel
Despite criticism of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red remains a top-tier studio in delivering immersive open worlds with nuanced and morally ambiguous storylines. The iguana egg inclusion showcased the studio's world-building capabilities, and it should strive for similar additions in Phantom Liberty and the inevitable Cyberpunk 2077 sequel. With the green-lighting of another entry in the series, there is hope that the studio will double down on its successes while avoiding past mistakes.
Expanding on the iguana egg style of in-game additions, the next Cyberpunk game could feature a more fleshed-out pet system, making returning to V's abode more rewarding and comforting. Delayed gratification could also enhance other aspects of the game, such as collectibles, quest rewards, and dynamic events that trigger after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Although the next Cyberpunk adventure is still years away, speculation on what it might entail is never too early.
Cyberpunk 2077 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The Phantom Liberty DLC is due to launch exclusively on current-gen consoles sometime in 2023.