The Legacy of Dead Cells: A Journey Through Time and Updates

The Legacy of Dead Cells: A Journey Through Time and Updates

Explore the journey of Dead Cells and its impact on the gaming community as the developers make a significant announcement about the game's future.

A Tale of Evolution

The world of gaming was forever changed when Dead Cells made its debut in 2018. Developed by the talented team at Motion Twin, this roguelike game quickly captured the hearts of players with its dynamic gameplay and challenging levels.



As the years passed, Dead Cells continued to evolve with multiple updates and add-ons, ensuring that players remained engaged and excited to delve back into its immersive world. The dedication of the developers to enhance the gaming experience was evident in each new release, keeping the game fresh and captivating for its loyal fan base.

From its initial launch on PC to its expansion onto various platforms including Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, and mobile devices, Dead Cells solidified its position as a top contender in the action roguelike genre. The game's success was further amplified by the collaborative efforts of Motion Twin and its spin-off studio, Evil Empire, which brought new dimensions to the gameplay experience.

Twitter article posted by Evil Empire

The Final Update

In a surprising turn of events, Motion Twin announced that the current update, Update 35, would mark the end of post-launch support for Dead Cells. This decision marked a significant milestone in the game's journey, signaling a shift in focus for the developers towards new and exciting projects.

While the news of the final update may have come as a bittersweet revelation to fans, Motion Twin expressed gratitude towards the dedicated players who had supported Dead Cells throughout its evolution. The announcement hinted at upcoming projects that would allow fans to continue their adventures in the world of Dead Cells through different mediums, including an animated series and a board game adaptation.

A New Chapter Begins

Evil Empire, the co-developer of Dead Cells, also confirmed the end of post-release support for the game. With a heartfelt message to the community, Evil Empire expressed appreciation for the opportunity to contribute to the legacy of Dead Cells and announced its plans to focus on developing new original titles.

The story of Dead Cells and its enduring legacy serves as a testament to the dedication and passion of the developers and the unwavering support of the gaming community. While the journey of Dead Cells may be coming to a close in terms of updates, the impact it has left on the gaming industry and its players will continue to resonate for years to come.