The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

One critical choice in Baldur's Gate 3 has significant consequences that pose a challenge for post-game DLC This article explores possible solutions, such as creating a versatile Underdark outpost, relocating the vampire spawn, or confronting the aftermath of this crucial decision

Article Key Points

Larian Studios is considering DLC for Baldur's Gate 3 to continue the party's adventures after the game's conclusion and the defeat of the Absolute.

The Vampire Spawn in Astarion's quest presents a significant challenge for post-game DLC due to its far-reaching implications. To address this, the potential DLC could offer alternatives such as establishing a versatile Underdark outpost, relocating the spawn to a different location, or exploring the darker consequences of the choice.

Larian Studios is reportedly considering developing DLC for Baldur's Gate 3, building on the game's tremendous success. This DLC is expected to continue the party's adventures after the conclusion of Baldur's Gate 3, specifically addressing the aftermath of defeating the Absolute. However, creating post-game DLC will be challenging due to the extensive range of choices players can make throughout the game.

One particular choice, related to the resolution of Astarion's personal quest, poses a significant obstacle for incorporating it into post-game DLC. The multitude of possible outcomes resulting from this choice need to be carefully taken into account.

The Fate Of Seven Thousand Vampire Spawn

The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

"The Pale Elf," the personal quest of Astarion, a vampiric rogue, reaches its conclusion as his cruel master, Cazador Szarr, is defeated. The party discovers that Cazador has created a staggering 7,007 vampire spawn over the course of two centuries. His intention is to sacrifice them in a ritual to attain ultimate power as a Vampire Ascendant. In this pivotal moment, players have the choice to intervene and halt the ritual or allow it to proceed, resulting in Astarion taking Cazador's place as the Ascendant. Alternatively, they can opt to let Cazador ascend, but at the expense of Astarion's life. The outcomes of these choices have significant consequences for the course of the game.

The spawn are saved and released into the Underdark. Their fate is left ambiguous.

The spawn go to the Underdark. The player and Astarion join and lead them. (Astarion romance path only)

The spawn are killed by Astarion, except for the six he considered siblings.

The spawn are left imprisoned under Cazador's mansion, with neither Astarion nor the player making a concrete decision.

The spawn are killed so that Astarion or Cazador becomes the Vampire Ascendant.

How Potential DLC Could Address This Issue

The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

Baldur's Gate 3 provides numerous options that carry significant consequences for the future of Faerun. The serene and protective haven of the druidic Emerald Grove can either thrive as a sanctuary or become a desolate land where its inhabitants meet a deadly fate. The corrupted Shadow-Cursed Lands can be cleansed or left to decay. However, none of these choices can compare to the immense impact on the world at large as the sudden, untamed release of seven thousand bloodthirsty, long-imprisoned vampires into the unsuspecting depths of the Underdark. In the event that Larian decides to develop post-game DLC for Baldur's Gate 3, there are various ways in which this pivotal decision could be addressed.

Create A Flexible Underdark Outpost

Exploring the potential of helping the vampire spawn integrate into the Underdark adds an intriguing aspect to a Baldur's Gate 3 DLC. Players would be tasked with assisting them in constructing a settlement, locating food sources that do not possess sentience, and aiding in their quest for independence following years of imprisonment. This outpost could even function as an alternate "hub area" in addition to the player's camp. In the event that players choose to eliminate the spawn, the Underdark settlement could be occupied by either Ironhand or Gondian gnomes, or even by members of the Society of Brilliance.

Relocate The Spawn Somewhere Else

Alternatively, the option of disregarding the choice altogether entails the spawn, if they had been liberated, venturing out of the Underdark entirely. They could depart from the Sword Coast and establish themselves in another location within the vast realm of Forgotten Realms. This presents an opportunity to reintroduce a character from Baldur's Gate 2, namely the vampire thief Hexxat, who could come back as a mentor or guide, assisting the spawn in embarking on a fresh and different path in life.

Face The Consequences Of The Vampire Spawn Choice

Alternatively, Larian has the option to take a darker route with the potential consequences of this decision. Rather than the spawn adapting well to life in the Underdark, they could launch an assault on Baldur's Gate, effectively compelling the player to confront even more challenging choices on how to deal with them. On the other hand, players who decided to sacrifice the spawn may find themselves embroiled in a divergent storyline which delves into the nefarious machinations and insatiable thirst for power of the Ascended Astarion.

The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

remained at the same position as the original:

It remains to be seen what Larian will choose to do with the post-game DLC for Baldur's Gate 3, as it will need to address how drastically this one choice can change the game's world.

The Intricate Dilemma Presented by a Pivotal Baldur's Gate 3 Decision

Baldur's Gate 3

Franchise: Baldur's Gate

Platforms: PC, Stadia, macOS, PS5

Release Date: August 3, 2023

Developed by: Larian Studios

Published by: Larian Studios

Genre: RPG

ESRB Rating: M for Mature (Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence)

Estimated Gameplay Duration: 30 Hours

Metascore: 96

Split Screen Orientation: Vertical Only

Number of Players: 1-2

Available on: Playstation Store

Editor's P/S

Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that offers players a wide range of choices, and the decisions they make can have significant consequences. One such choice is what to do with the vampire spawn in Astarion's quest.

If players choose to release the spawn, they will be unleashed into the Underdark, where they could potentially wreak havoc. However, if players choose to kill the spawn, they will be depriving Astarion of his chance to become a Vampire Ascendant. Either choice has the potential to have a major impact on the world of Faerun, and it will be interesting to see how Larian Studios handles this decision in any potential DLC. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see the consequences of releasing the vampire spawn into the Underdark. It would be a great opportunity to explore the darker side of the game and see how the different factions react to this new threat.