The Global Cast of Alexander: The Making of a God

The Global Cast of Alexander: The Making of a God

Explore the diverse and talented cast of the Netflix docuseries Alexander: The Making of a God, where actors from around the world bring to life the epic tale of Alexander the Great.

A Worldly Ensemble

The ensemble cast of the Netflix docuseries Alexander: The Making of a God is a testament to the global reach of talent in the entertainment industry.

Buck Braithwaite as Alexander the Great in Alexander: Making of a God-1

Buck Braithwaite as Alexander the Great in Alexander: Making of a God-1

Spanning across continents, the cast members hail from diverse backgrounds, adding richness and authenticity to the historical narrative of Alexander the Great's conquests.

Alexander the Great riding alongside his men in Alexander: The Making of a God

Alexander the Great riding alongside his men in Alexander: The Making of a God

From seasoned actors to rising stars, the international ensemble brings a depth of experience and cultural nuances to their portrayals of key historical figures.

Unveiling the Characters

Each actor in the cast embodies a pivotal character in Alexander's journey, breathing life into the legendary figures that shaped ancient history.

From the formidable King Darius to the loyal Ptolemy, the characters come alive on screen through the nuanced performances of the talented cast.

Mido Hamada as King Darius in Alexander: The Making of a God

Mido Hamada as King Darius in Alexander: The Making of a God

The intricate relationships and power dynamics among the characters are skillfully portrayed, drawing viewers into the world of ancient empires and epic battles.

Dino Kelly as Ptolemy in Alexander the Making of a God

Dino Kelly as Ptolemy in Alexander the Making of a God

Behind the Scenes

Beyond their on-screen personas, the actors themselves possess fascinating backgrounds and diverse talents that enrich the production of the docuseries.

From multilingual actors like Mido Hamada to versatile performers like Agni Scott, the cast members bring a wealth of skills and experiences to their roles, elevating the storytelling to new heights.

As the docuseries delves into the complexities of Alexander's reign, the dedication and craft of the global cast shine through, creating a captivating and immersive viewing experience for audiences worldwide.