The Fate of Rohan: Who Ruled After the War?

Discover the fate of Rohan after the War of the Ring and learn who ascends the throne as the new king
Rohan, a fictional kingdom of Men in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, plays a vital role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy as a longtime ally of the great kingdom of Gondor during the Third Age. Known for its skilled cavalry, the Rohirrim, members of the Fellowship spend time in Rohan in The Two Towers. However, the kingdom is in disarray due to the influence of Gríma Wormtongue, an agent of Saruman, the wizard allied with the Dark Lord Sauron. Fortunately, Gandalf saves King Théoden from Wormtongue's machinations and rallies Rohan's support in the fight against Sauron.
What Happened To Rohan After The War Of The Ring?
Rohan, home to key players like Théoden, Éomer, and Éowyn, played a crucial role in the War of the Ring. However, what became of Rohan and these significant characters after the events of The Lord of the Rings remains a question.
Prior to the events of The Lord of the Rings, the Kings of Gondor established alliances with the Northmen of Rhovanion. Years later, a surviving tribe of Northmen who escaped the invasion of the Easterling Wainriders settled in the Vales of Anduin, located just below Mirkwood. Under the leadership of Marhwini, the tribe adopted a new name, the Éothéod, who later became known as the forerunners to the Rohirrim. Gondor forged a strong alliance with the Éothéod, who proved to be their most reliable allies in the battle against the Wainriders.
After the unexpected death of the current Lord of the Éothéod, Eorl the Young, a mere teenager at the time, took over his father's title. Despite being young and inexperienced, Eorl proved his worth when he led his people to aid their longstanding allies Gondor in a critical battle against the orc army. As a result of his bravery and leadership, Eorl was generously rewarded.
During the War of the Ring, Rohan faces a brutal campaign led by Saruman, resulting in the death of Théoden's son, Théodred. Despite this loss, Théoden leads the Rohirrim to victory at both the Battle of Hornburg and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Although Théoden ultimately perishes in battle, his legacy lives on through his brave niece, Éowyn, who slays the formidable Lord of the Nazgûl, and his valiant nephew, Éomer, who fights in the Battle of the Morannon against Sauron's forces.
Who Became King Of Rohan?
After the destruction of the One Ring, Sauron's reign comes to an end and many are able to begin anew, including the people of Rohan. As Théoden's son has passed away, the line of kings comes to a close, but Théoden's nephew, Éomer, steps up to take the throne as an adopted son. Despite Éowyn's bravery and leadership during a difficult time for Rohan, Théoden endorses Éomer as his successor before passing away. As a result, Éowyn marries Faramir, Prince of Ithilien, instead of taking the throne. Éomer becomes the first of the third line of kings and leads Rohan to prosperity.
However, Éomer requires Aragorn's approval before proceeding. In The Lord of the Rings conclusion, Aragorn is not only crowned King of Gondor but also King of Arnor. These are both human kingdoms established by Elendil and his sons after they survived the sinking of Númenor, once the greatest human civilization. Aragorn, like Elendil, becomes the High King of both Arnor and Gondor. His official title is High King of the Reunited Kingdoms.
Aragorn, the ruler of a vast portion of Middle-earth, had the opportunity to claim Rohan as his own, but he chose to instead support their independence. However, this support came with a condition. Aragorn had Éomer swear the Oath of Eorl, solidifying the alliance between Gondor and Rohan. This oath stated that the enemies of Rohan would also be the enemies of Gondor, and the two kingdoms would support each other in times of need. This alliance proved to be valuable as Rohan continued to assist Gondor in their battles against long-standing threats such as the Easterlings and Southrons. Despite the appearance of peace within Rohan, their commitment to their allies remained unwavering.