Mastering Gollum's Nimble Navigation in Lord of the Rings

Mastering Gollum's Nimble Navigation in Lord of the Rings

Discover the secrets of maneuvering through the levels of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum with ease Learn how to deftly navigate narrow spaces and concealed hiding spots with the nimble agility of Gollum

In The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, the eponymous character possesses a range of abilities to aid in traversing the game's levels. Gollum's agility is a notable trait, enabling him to make impressive leaps, scale steep cliffs and walls, and squeeze through narrow passages inaccessible to larger creatures.

As the game progresses, players may go through a substantial portion of Chapter 2 in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum before requiring the use of the crouch function again, having only briefly encountered it during the tutorial or opening. This article will provide a basic guide on how to crouch and crawl, allowing players to access previously unreachable areas of the game's levels if they have, understandably, overlooked this option.

How to Crouch and Crawl in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum.

Players will quickly discover that Gollum is adept at navigating through the game's narrow passages without any additional guidance. However, in certain cases where the openings are particularly small and close to the ground, players will need to manually crouch and crawl through them.

As this is only required once during the game's opening act and there is likely a significant amount of story progression before the next instance where crouching is necessary, players may easily forget that this is an option.

In order to enter small openings and hide under furniture to avoid enemies, players can make Gollum crouch by holding down the right bumper. This ability is particularly important during stealth sequences, where taking cover can mean the difference between success and failure. While it may not be necessary during the game's opening chapter or platforming sections, forgetting to use the crouch button can prove fatal when lighting explosives in Chapter 2. Remembering to utilize this ability is crucial to progress through certain parts of the game.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The Nintendo Switch version is launching at a later date.