The Epic Journey of House of the Dragon Season 2 Reveals the Ultimate Stark Legacy

The Epic Journey of House of the Dragon Season 2 Reveals the Ultimate Stark Legacy

A new era dawns in House of the Dragon Season 2, as a legendary Stark rises Prepare for the arrival of an enigmatic figure who surpasses even Cregan Stark, leaving an indelible mark on the realm

WARNING! This article contains major SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the book on which House of the Dragon is based!


In House of the Dragon season 2, the involvement of House Stark in the Dance of the Dragons will be explored, with Lord Cregan Stark playing a crucial role. This will pave the way for the introduction of Lady Alysanne Blackwood, a legendary warrior and significant figure in the history of House Stark.

Alysanne Blackwood is the closest counterpart to Arya Stark in House of the Dragon, known for her exceptional battlefield skills and commitment to maintaining balance and prosperity in the realm.

In the upcoming second season of House of the Dragon, viewers will witness the involvement of House Stark in the Dance of the Dragons, showcasing one of the most remarkable characters in the family's lineage. Unlike in Game of Thrones, House Stark takes a backseat in House of the Dragon, only venturing north when politics and war require it. This will be evident in the second season when Jacaerys Velaryon travels to Winterfell to negotiate with Lord Cregan Stark. Lord Cregan will have a pivotal role in the decisive moments and aftermath of the Targaryen civil war.

While Game of Thrones introduced iconic members of House Stark like Ned, Arya, Robb, Sansa, Benjen, and Jon Snow, House of the Dragon will focus on their lesser-known ancestors. However, Cregan Stark's portrayal in the show is set to establish him as one of the greatest figures in the Stark family within the Game of Thrones universe, offering a fresh perspective on the Winterfell leaders' legacy. Nevertheless, the introduction of Cregan in House of the Dragon season 2 brings an exciting development that goes beyond the Stark ancestor himself. It sets the stage for the arrival of his future wife, a character of legendary status in the history of House Stark.

Cregan Stark's House Of The Dragon Story Sets Up Black Aly's Role

The Epic Journey of House of the Dragon Season 2 Reveals the Ultimate Stark Legacy

The introduction of Lady Alysanne Blackwood, also known as "Black Aly," in House of the Dragon season 2 will be closely linked to Cregan Stark's character. Black Aly is a fearless and skilled warrior who fights for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons when she is still a teenager. With significant leadership over the Blacks' armies in the Riverlands and as the elder aunt of Lord Benjicot Blackwood, Aly plays a crucial role in the final days of the civil war, contributing to Lord Borros Baratheon's defeat. However, since she doesn't become a key figure in George R.R. Martin's Fire & Book until after Rhaenyra has taken King's Landing, we might not see her until House of the Dragon season 3.

Alysanne Blackwood Is House Of The Dragon's Closest Arya Stark Replacement

Throughout Fire & Blood, the stories of Cregan and Black Aly remain largely separate until both Queen Rhaenyra and King Aegon II Targaryen meet their demise. It is when the Blacks reclaim King’s Landing that these two formidable warriors finally unite. As the Hand of the King to Rhaenyra’s young son Aegon III Targaryen, Cregan Stark administers justice impartially, holding both sides accountable for their crimes committed during the war. While residing at the Red Keep, Cregan becomes enamored with Black Aly and admires her triumphant achievements. In a bid to spare the life of Lord Corlys Velaryon, Black Aly agrees to wed Cregan Stark and accompanies him back to Winterfell. Together, they bear four daughters who proudly carry the Stark name.

The Epic Journey of House of the Dragon Season 2 Reveals the Ultimate Stark Legacy

Game of Thrones did not lack female warriors during and after The War of the Five Kings. House of the Dragon showcases the formidable fighters who preceded them during the Targaryen civil war. Alysanne Blackwood, with her exceptional battlefield skills and sharp intellect, is the closest counterpart to Game of Thrones' Arya Stark in House of the Dragon. It comes as no surprise that they both belong to the same family lineage. Like Arya, Alysanne fearlessly defends her beliefs against men who hold higher social ranks, playing a crucial role in maintaining the realm's equilibrium and structure amidst turmoil.

Alysanne demonstrates a notable contrast to Arya Stark. Unlike Arya, who seeks revenge, Alysanne, also known as Black Aly, prioritizes the well-being and harmony of the realm and her people in the Riverlands. Following the Dance of the Dragons, she leads an expedition to enlist the aid of the Northmen in rebuilding the Riverlands. This endeavor results in numerous marriages and a resurgence in the worship of the Old Gods in the South. Before Catelyn Tully's union with Ned Stark in Game of Thrones, Black Aly's marriage to Cregan Stark in House of the Dragon significantly shapes the future relationship between the Riverlords and the Northmen.