The Epic Collab We've All Been Waiting For: Animal Crossing and LEGO Unite for an Unforgettable Adventure!

The Epic Collab We've All Been Waiting For: Animal Crossing and LEGO Unite for an Unforgettable Adventure!

The LEGO-Nintendo collaboration and Animal Crossing's recent success hint at exciting prospects for fans, suggesting bigger things to come in the future


LEGO's success with Mario sets leads to the creation of Animal Crossing sets, allowing fans to build their own villages in the real world.

Nintendo's collaboration with LEGO sets and the Seattle Aquarium suggests exciting possibilities for the future of Animal Crossing. Fans are eagerly anticipating what this could mean, whether it's a new game or DLC.

LEGO's success with their Mario sets has led the company to announce that they will also be creating sets based on Animal Crossing. This exciting news means that fans of the franchise can now bring their own little village to life in the real world. Although the specific details of these LEGO sets have not been revealed yet, they are sure to be a delightful addition to any collection. But that's not all that Animal Crossing has in store for its fans - it is also making its way to the Seattle Aquarium, hinting at something big on the horizon. Animal Crossing: New Horizons was incredibly successful upon its release three years ago, but aside from a single DLC pack, Nintendo hasn't done much with it since. However, the introduction of these LEGO sets and photo ops suggests a potential resurgence of interest in the brand. Fans will have to wait and see what the future holds.

Animal Crossing's Recent Resurgence Should Lead to Something Bigger

The Epic Collab We've All Been Waiting For: Animal Crossing and LEGO Unite for an Unforgettable Adventure!

Following a year of updates and the Happy Home Paradise DLC, Animal Crossing: New Horizons remained inactive, leaving many to believe that Nintendo had finished with the franchise for the time being. However, recent announcements from Nintendo, combined with rumors of a potential Switch 2, have sparked excitement within the Animal Crossing fanbase. One such announcement is the introduction of new LEGO sets inspired by Animal Crossing. Although the sets have yet to be officially unveiled, a tantalizing teaser showed beloved villagers recreated in LEGO form. These sets are sure to be cherished additions to any LEGO collection and continue the trend of video game-themed LEGO sets.

Content may seem unbelievable, but there is a possibility that LEGO Animal Crossing sets could lead to a LEGO video game featuring the franchise. It has been observed that if LEGO has access to an intellectual property (IP), Traveller's Tales tends to follow suit. While the studio primarily explores movie IPs rather than video game IPs, there is still a chance they may venture into the gaming world. However, it is worth noting that there is currently no LEGO Mario game, making this possibility less likely. Instead, this collaboration may simply be a delightful project for fans to further engage with their beloved franchise.

In addition to the LEGO sets, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is also making its way to the Seattle Aquarium for new photo opportunities. Although this collaboration may not be the most significant or noteworthy, it serves as a delightful marketing strategy for the series. With a renewed focus on marketing, it suggests that something new may be on the horizon for the franchise. Unless Nintendo's main goal is to boost sales of New Horizons, this collaboration could be the studio's way of bringing the series back into the spotlight before making major announcements such as a new installment or downloadable content.

Animal Crossing enthusiasts may temper their enthusiasm as these hints may hold no significance. They could merely be Nintendo's strategy to sustain the popularity of the franchise while fans await the next installment. Nonetheless, there exists a slight possibility that these clues may herald something more substantial. With rumors circulating about the imminent release of the Switch 2, having the sequel to the second best-selling Switch game available on launch day might be the purpose behind the new hardware. Nevertheless, it is important to note that this information remains purely speculative.