The Elusive Admirals: Unveiling the Extravagant Bounties in One Piece
Discover the thrilling world of One Piece as the notorious Cross Guild issues bounties on the formidable Admirals Uncover the true strength of these powerful warriors and delve into the mind-boggling bounties placed upon them, including the awe-inspiring sum on the head of the revered Fleet Admiral
The establishment of the formidable Cross Guild has sparked the pursuit of the World Government by mighty bounty hunters, jeopardizing their balance of power.The Admirals, renowned as the World Government's most formidable military force, wield extraordinary Devil Fruit abilities and possess transcendently overpowering Haki.
The Admirals possess a Three Crown Bounty, meaning there is a staggering bounty of 3 billion berries on their heads individually, demonstrating their tremendous value and threat. It is highly probable that the Fleet Admiral, Sakazuki, has an even higher bounty due to his formidable strength and aggressiveness.
Currently, One Piece is in its Final Saga where numerous significant events are unfolding simultaneously. Starting from Egghead Island and spanning all the way to Pirate Island, these events are shocking the world back to back. While the Straw Hat Pirates were situated in the land of Wano, the Reverie resulted in pivotal decisions that greatly impacted the balance of power in the world of One Piece.
The Cross Guild's Bounties
The decision to strip the Warlords of all their powers resulted in the birth of the Cross Guild, a formidable organization. However, this choice has caused the World Government to find itself trapped, as their own members are now pursued by relentless bounty hunters, much like the pirates they once pursued.The Cross Guild, founded by Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk, has a peculiar leader in the eyes of the world - Buggy. This unexpected twist has elevated Buggy to become one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. The high-ranking members of the Cross Guild all carry hefty bounties on their heads, making them a grave threat to the World Government. However, their menace extends beyond their individual strength. The Cross Guild has taken the unprecedented step of placing bounties on the Marines, pitting the law enforcers and pirates against a common enemy for the first time in the One Piece world.
Previously, bounties were only offered for well-known criminals, and bounty hunters would capture them and hand them over to the Government to receive a reward, regardless of whether they were dead or alive. However, the Cross Guild has now adopted a similar system by placing bounties on Marines. This means that anyone who successfully apprehends a specific Marine, alive or dead, will receive substantial rewards from Buggy and his organization. Every renowned Marine, including Captains, SWORD members, Vice Admirals, and Admirals, has a bounty placed on their head by the Cross Guild. The Cross Guild has effectively sowed discontent among the general populace towards the Navy, making it a growing threat to the Government. While the issuance of these bounties poses a challenge for the World Government, fans are thrilled as bounties always generate excitement. Notably, the Admirals, who are the strongest Marines under the World Government, have recently been confirmed to have significant bounties on their heads by Oda.
The Strength Of The Admirals
The Admirals are widely regarded as the most formidable military force within the World Government. These individuals possess extraordinary combat skills, capable of engaging even the mighty Yonko in combat. Additionally, they possess profound abilities granted by their formidable Devil Fruit powers. Prior to the two-year time skip in the One Piece series, the Admirals were comprised of Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino. At present, their ranks include Issho (Fujitora), Aramaki (Ryokugyu), and Borsalino (Kizaru). Each Admiral possesses an incredible Devil Fruit, such as Kizaru's Pika Pika no Mi, which allows him to transform into light and manipulate it at will.
Similarly, Fujitora possesses a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants him the power to manipulate gravity, while Ryokugyu has the ability to transform into and control various forms of wood. What sets the Admirals apart is their extraordinary mastery of Haki, a formidable martial art. Though it remains uncertain whether they possess the highly coveted Supreme King Haki, it is widely acknowledged that their expertise in Observation and Armament Haki is unparalleled. During the Marineford battle, the three Admirals demonstrated their exceptional capabilities by collectively leveraging their Armament Haki, effectively thwarting one of Whitebeard's devastating quakes.
A testament to their strength is the fact that Akainu and Aokiji fought on Punk Hazard and completely altered the atmosphere of the island permanently during their 10-day duel.
The Bounties Of The Admirals
Given their immense power, it comes as no surprise that the Cross Guild has placed an astronomically high bounty on the Admirals. Recent confirmations reveal that Garp himself has a Three Crown Bounty on his head. In an unprecedented move, it was also revealed that every single Marine Admiral carries the same Three Crown Bounty. Each crown represents an astonishing billion berries, resulting in a mind-boggling 3 billion berry bounty on the head of each Admiral. This exorbitant amount serves as a testament to the Admirals' immense value to the Navy. Their unparalleled strength and bounties, comparable to those of the mighty Yonko, highlight the sheer danger they pose. While Three Crowns currently stands as the highest bounty issued by the Cross Guild, it is possible that certain characters could command an even higher figure.
Garp is undoubtedly a character worthy of a bounty higher than Three Crowns. However, considering his advanced age, the bounty placed on him was relatively moderate. If Garp were in his prime, his bounty would have been set at either four or five Crowns. Nevertheless, for an elderly and aging character, a three-crown bounty is truly impressive. In contrast, when it comes to the Admirals, a three-crown bounty is considered the epitome of excellence. These individuals possess sufficient strength to hold their own against the Yonko, although they may not have the ability to defeat them entirely.
The Bounty Of The Fleet Admiral
While the bounties of the Admirals have been confirmed to the fans, the Fleet Admiral's bounty remains unconfirmed. It can be logically deduced that the Fleet Admiral possesses a higher bounty than the Admirals. This is particularly evident in the case of Sakazuki, the current Fleet Admiral of the Navy. Sakazuki undoubtedly holds the position of the Navy's strongest member, a testament to his immense prowess demonstrated repeatedly, most notably during the Marineford arc.
Sakazuki surpasses the previous Fleet Admirals in terms of aggression, evident by his relocation of the Navy base to the new world to counter the Four Emperors' influence. His direct confrontation with the Four Emperors demands a higher bounty. It wouldn't be surprising if Sakazuki's future bounty reaches four-crowns, but it is guaranteed to be at least three-crowns. With One Piece nearing its Final Saga, fans can expect Sakazuki to showcase his abilities and allow Oda to further develop his character, along with a formidable bounty bestowed upon him by the Cross Guild.