The Circle Season 1 Cast: Where Are They Now?

The Circle Season 1 Cast: Where Are They Now?

A look at the lives of The Circle Season 1 cast members after the show, including their careers, relationships, and social media presence.

The Impact of The Circle

The Circle is the social experiment turned competition that aired on Netflix in January 2020. The show introduced audiences to a diverse cast of characters, challenging viewers not to judge the players at face value. As the most recent season, The Circle season 5, aired in December 2022, it's interesting to see how the series has influenced the lives of its original cast members.

The Circle Logo and Cast of Season 1

The Circle Logo and Cast of Season 1

While not every player made it far on the show, each competitor earned a fairly strong platform due to their time in the confined apartment. This article takes a closer look at the lives of the season 1 cast members and where they are now, showcasing their achievements and endeavors since leaving The Circle.

The Circle Season 1 finale

The Circle Season 1 finale

Instagram article posted by alanaduval

Alana Duval: Embracing Modeling and Influence

Alana Duval, the gorgeous model who made a lasting impression on The Circle, has since embraced her career in modeling and social media influence. With an impressive 149k followers on Instagram, Alana is a model for Aston Models LA and frequently shares her classic beauty with her audience.

Miranda smiling for the camera in the circle cropped

Miranda smiling for the camera in the circle cropped

Despite being blocked from the show, Alana has continued to thrive and maintain connections from her time on The Circle, showcasing the impact of her presence both on and off the screen.

Instagram article posted by thesilentceleb

Karyn Blanco: From Catfish to Musician

Karyn Blanco, known for her early catfishing strategy on The Circle, has transitioned into a successful career as a musician and performer. Garnering 137k followers on Instagram as 'The Silent Celeb,' Karyn entertains crowds with her smooth voice and unique fashion sense, embracing her own personality and talent outside the confines of the show.

Karyn Blanco: From Catfish to Musician

Karyn Blanco: From Catfish to Musician

Her journey reflects the resilience and creativity of The Circle cast members, demonstrating their ability to pursue their passions and build a following beyond the show's narrative.

Miranda Bissonnette: Modeling and Content Creation

Miranda Bissonnette, despite her short time on The Circle, has garnered popularity through modeling, content creation, and influencer ventures. Her connection with fellow content creator Matt Hunkins and her continued presence in the industry reflect the impact she has made beyond the show's boundaries, showcasing the lasting relationships and opportunities that have emerged from her time on The Circle.

Her journey is a testament to the diverse paths taken by The Circle cast members, highlighting their individual pursuits and successes in the entertainment and influencer sphere.

Sammie in a promo image for The Circle

Sammie in a promo image for The Circle