The Amusing Misadventure of a Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode Player

The Amusing Misadventure of a Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode Player

A humorous recount of a player's misadventure in Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the game and the challenges of playing in Honour Mode.


Baldur's Gate 3 is a highly acclaimed 2023 role-playing video game developed by Larian Studios. Among other things, the game has been celebrated for its expansive possibilities and well-crafted mechanics. Since its release in August 2023, the community has shared many ingenious and creative ways to navigate the game and overcome its various challenges throughout its approximately 100 hours of gameplay (and even more in some cases). Due to the tremendous work behind the game and its impressive results, Baldur’s Gate 3 secured the Game of the Year award at the 2023 Game Awards ceremony.

A Baldur's Gate 3 player attempted an Honour Mode run but faced an amusing failure when they realized they had forgotten the Orphic Hammer to free Orpheus. The player shared this comical turn of events with the Baldur’s Gate 3 community, who were amused by the story and commented on the situation.

The comments from fellow players expressed empathy, humor, and a shared understanding of the unpredictable nature of Honour Mode. Some cannot believe that there isn’t a fail-safe in that zone, as some workaround method given these exact choices would seem obvious, but this is ultimately all part of the game mode. Baldur’s Gate 3 Honour Mode only gives players one save, meaning they cannot frequently reload to achieve a desired outcome or avoid negative consequences. Alongside this, the new difficulty mode also adds legendary actions to bosses, enforces action economy rules, and makes damage bonus rules stricter towards the end of the game. Additionally, the run is over if the whole party is wiped out.

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The Misadventure

A player known as JohnFrum took to Reddit to share their Honour Mode misadventure in Act 3. In an attempt to smash the rocks with the special hammer to free Orpheus, a critical task in that part of the game, they realized a crucial and silly oversight. After going all the way to get it, they forgot to bring the Orphic Hammer. With the party stuck in a red zone, unable to camp, and The Emperor sealing the gate, the player humorously described their predicament of being trapped with only their 'farts for company.' After facing the various difficult challenges of Baldur’s Gate 3 Honour Mode, the player essentially lost comically.

JohnFrum's tale is just one among many humorous stories circulating about Honour Mode failures. Recently, another player failed a Baldur’s Gate 3 Honour Mode run after Scratch charged at a runepowder barrel while playing a game of fetch, resulting in a total party wipe. The wide range of possibilities for players featured in Baldur's Gate 3 and the challenging difficulty of the new mode will undoubtedly keep bringing stories like JohnFrum’s in the future.


The amusing misadventure of the Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode player serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and challenging nature of the game. The Honour Mode, with its single save and unforgiving consequences, presents players with a unique and thrilling gameplay experience, where even the most well-prepared adventurers can face unexpected and amusing failures. As the community continues to explore the vast possibilities of Baldur's Gate 3, it's certain that more tales of Honour Mode misadventures will emerge, adding to the rich tapestry of player experiences within this celebrated game.