The All-In-One Marvel Snap Upgrade You Didn't Know You Needed!
Marvel Snap lacks a crucial quality-of-life feature: a comprehensive mid-match history log that accurately records and displays the cards being destroyed or discarded
Marvel Snap is simple and easy to learn with quick default matches, but earning new cards can be difficult without indulging in each battle pass.
The randomness in the appearance of locations and the popularity of certain deck builds can provide certain players with an advantage in matches. Incorporating a mid-match history log to keep track of destroyed and discarded cards would offer players additional knowledge and strategic choices.
Marvel Snap does not cater to fans' desired changes, but certain game features seem unnecessary in the user interface. Marvel Snap is easy to learn as default matches are quick. However, earning new cards can be difficult unless players participate in the battle pass. Matches are not currently inviting for destroy and discard deck archetypes.
Regardless of the deck builds, each match follows a similar formula, providing equal opportunities for all players. The random selection of locations during each match adds to the unpredictability. However, certain popular builds in Marvel Snap's meta can hinder opponents' chances of success. Players with decks focused on destroying or discarding cards may always face a disadvantage since the game only counts the number of destroyed or discarded cards without considering their significance.
Marvel Snap Needs a Detailed Mid-Match History Log
The tally of destroyed and discarded cards can present challenges when players are unable to identify which cards they are. If a player briefly looks away from their phone screen, they may miss the card that Yondu destroyed or the card that Sokovia discarded before the game started.
This issue becomes even more problematic for players who enjoy using destroy or discard decks. Since Hela can bring back all discarded cards, it becomes less important to know the specific cards being discarded, especially if players purposely included Hela in their deck for her ability. However, there are situations where players may not want a destroyed or discarded card to return if it could land in a random location and potentially hinder their progress.
If players aren't concerned about their own destroyed or discarded decks, perhaps worrying about their opponents' could be a reason to see what cards are still in play in later turns. While players can keep track of destroyed or discarded cards on both sides, Marvel Snap provides a count of each, making it necessary to have a genuine history log that shows the actual cards involved.
Many fans have requested a feature that logs every action taken in each turn, allowing players to review and analyze the match, even from the beginning, to identify advantages or disadvantages in their opponent's choices. This feature could be incredibly helpful, although browsing a detailed history during the match could make it longer and disrupt the game's flow. Nevertheless, a simple UI aid that lists the destroyed and discarded cards could provide players with more readily available knowledge for making decisions in their next turn.
Marvel Snap is available for mobile devices and PC.