The A'dam in The Wheel of Time: Unveiling its Enigmatic Power

The A'dam in The Wheel of Time: Unveiling its Enigmatic Power

Unveiling the Enigma: The A'dam in The Wheel of Time Discover the true nature and intriguing powers of this mysterious artifact Can it be liberated from its bond? Find the answers here

Warning: Spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 6


The a'dam within The Wheel of Time is a perilous weapon, capable of enslaving formidable individuals such as Egwene and depriving them of their power. This ter'angreal, infused with the One Power, operates seamlessly and without the need for a latch or seam.

While a solution to removing the a'dam remains elusive, there is potential for Egwene's liberation by subduing her captor, Renna.

The a'dam, a formidable object that even the Aes Sedai cannot conquer, is regarded as one of the most perilous weapons in the world of The Wheel of Time. Episode 6 of Season 2, titled "The Eyes of Pity," delves into the depths of suffering a person can experience while being controlled by an a'dam. This ghastly instrument of enslavement is utilized by the Seanchan in both the television series and the Wheel of Time novels.

What The A’dam Actually Is In The Wheel of Time

Similar to her character in the book, Egwene al’Vere falls prey to the Seanchan, experiencing the devastating effects of being "collared." As a result, she is now completely at the mercy of her captors, who effortlessly control her through the use of the a'dam. Despite being hailed as one of the most formidable female channelers in recent history to join the White Tower, her abilities become meaningless in the face of the a'dam, rendering her powerless against the Seanchan slavers depicted in the show. Not only is she unable to wield the One Power against her enemies, but even the mere contemplation of using anything as a weapon brings excruciating pain, as inflicted by the a'dam.

The A'dam in The Wheel of Time: Unveiling its Enigmatic Power

The existence of such a device in The Wheel of Time is explained in the books and also partly revealed in the show. In "The Eyes of Pity," Elayne explains that the a'dam is a ter'angreal, a significant concept in the Wheel of Time series. Ter'angreal are objects infused with the One Power and have various uses, taking many different forms. For example, the Silver Arches that Nynaeve had to pass through during her Accepted test were ter'angreal, as is the Oath Rod used by the Aes Sedai to swear the Three Oaths.

Being constructed with the One Power is what enables its functionality, thereby explaining its seamless operation as affirmed by Elayne. Crafted many centuries ago by an Aes Sedai, this device was specifically designed for utilization by a duo of women proficient in channeling. By harnessing the One Power, the a'dam establishes a connection between the pair, granting the sul'dam full authority over the damane and her manipulation of the One Power. As depicted in the show, the damane remains powerless against the sul'dam, making it exceedingly difficult for the captive channeler to break free autonomously.

Can The A’dam Be Removed?

The A'dam in The Wheel of Time: Unveiling its Enigmatic Power

In “The Eyes of Pity,” there was discussion about the potential of freeing Egwene from the a’dam, but a definite solution has yet to be found. Nynaeve noted that the device is “unbreakable.” Nevertheless, in the book, the characters were successful in liberating Egwene from the a’dam when her sul’dam, Renna, was absent. This results in Renna herself being collared. This turn of events is made possible by the revelation that the sul’dam can also channel, which means that they can technically become damane to someone else. In simpler terms, there may be a shift in the Wheel of Time season 2 where the Seanchan antagonists, particularly Renna, undergo a reversal of fortune. The act of collaring Renna could potentially hold the key to saving Egwene.

The Wheel of Time releases new episodes on Fridays on Amazon Prime Video.