Suits, the legal drama created by Aaron Korsh, was a highly popular series on Netflix. However, a new spooky show may be threatening its reign as the most-watched series. The show ran for nine seasons from September 2011 to September 2019 and achieved moderate critical acclaim.
Despite its initial popularity, Suits experienced a surge in viewership after being added to Netflix's streaming platform. While the series has achieved impressive streaming records, it appears that its reign may be coming to an end sooner than anticipated by fans.
Suits is seeing a loss of its massive viewership
Nielsen, the global leader in audience data and analytics, recently revealed that the series has seen a drop in viewers since September 2023.
According to Neilsen, "Suits" continued to be the most popular program, but viewership decreased by one-third from September. Additionally, Netflix, which provides "Suits" and Peacock, kept hold of eight out of the top ten streaming titles in October. However, one show that managed to surpass "Suits" for the number one spot was Mike Flanagan's eerie Edgar Allen Poe adaptation "The Fall of the House of Usher," which achieved this in its first two weeks on the platform.
The Fall of the House of Usher garnered approximately 1.5 billion minutes of viewing in its initial week of being available for streaming, and it saw a 19% increase from its original 1.2 billion minutes, securing the number one spot once again, according to Variety.
Suits regained its top spot in November 2023, despite a decrease in viewership, possibly due to its growing popularity on TikTok. You can now stream Suits on Netflix and Peacock. Be sure to explore our other coverage below.
Editor's P/S
Suits, the legal drama created by Aaron Korsh, was a highly popular series on Netflix. However, a new spooky show may be threatening its reign as the most-watched series. The show ran for nine seasons from September 2011 to September 2019 and achieved moderate critical acclaim.
Despite its initial popularity, Suits experienced a surge in viewership after being added to Netflix's streaming platform. While the series has achieved impressive streaming records, it appears that its reign may be coming to an end sooner than anticipated by fans. Nielsen, the global leader in audience data and analytics, recently revealed that the series has seen a drop in viewers since September 2023.
I am a little bit sad to see Suits' dominance come to an end, but I'm also excited to see what new shows will take its place. The Fall of the House of Usher is definitely a worthy successor, and I'm looking forward to seeing what other spooky shows will come to Netflix in the future.