Study Reveals: Gen Z Favors Social Media Over Google for Specific Searches

Study Reveals: Gen Z Favors Social Media Over Google for Specific Searches

While Google remains dominant for local services, TikTok emerges as the top platform for exploring gift ideas, beauty trends, and wellness tips according to recent research findings.

"Sociable" is a new update discussing the latest social media trends and changes by industry pro Andrew Hutchinson from Social Media Today.

It's not shocking that younger people use social media more than older folks to find products. What's intriguing is what exactly they are looking for on social media and when they still rely on Google for help.

The team from Forbes Advisor partnered with Talker Research to conduct a study to explore the evolving discovery behaviors of 2,000 U.S. internet users.

The main discovery from the study revealed that young people are utilizing social apps like TikTok and Instagram more frequently for business discovery purposes.

Forbes Advisor social search study

Forbes Advisor social search study

Again, that’s not surprising, with even Google highlighting the shift to TikTok and IG for search as being a potential threat to its business.

So, what exactly does generative AI contribute to this trend? Recently, Google introduced ChatGPT-like responses in Search. These automated summaries help answer specific queries. If conversational search like this becomes more common, will it attract more users back to Google?

TikTok is currently testing its own AI chatbot, and Meta has incorporated its AI assistant tool into all of its apps (except Threads). This means they are both offering similar features, and it will be fascinating to observe how these AI advancements impact the way users discover content.

In a more intriguing aspect of Forbes Advisor's research, they delve into the differences between what people search for on social apps versus Google search.

Forbes Advisor social search study

Forbes Advisor social search study

The chart shows that Gen Z users are mainly using social apps for keeping up with trends in fashion, beauty, food, and crafts. They are more interested in content related to self-care, well-being, and D.I.Y. projects. However, when it comes to bigger purchases, finding places to go, or professional services, they tend to rely on Google.

It may not come as a shock, but it's worth exploring where people are focusing their attention and how it impacts your marketing strategies.

First and foremost, it all boils down to the specific audience you are targeting. If your goal is to engage with older demographics, Google continues to be a key platform. Therefore, it's essential to carefully choose the language and messaging catered to this demographic.

More and more young people are using social media to search for inspiration, which can be helpful in shaping your creative content to match each platform.

Even though the general trends may seem clear, it's important to pay attention to the details and how they can impact your marketing strategies.

You can check out the full study report here.

Editor's P/S:

The shift towards social media as a primary source of information and inspiration, particularly among younger generations, is both intriguing and slightly concerning. While it presents businesses with new opportunities to reach their target audience, it also raises questions about the reliability and accuracy of the information consumed through these platforms. It's crucial for marketers to understand the nuances of each platform and tailor their content accordingly.

Furthermore, the emergence of generative AI in search engines is a development worth keeping an eye on. If AI-powered conversational search becomes more prevalent, it could potentially lure users back to Google while also posing a threat to social media platforms that offer similar features. Marketers must stay updated on these technological advancements and adapt their strategies to effectively navigate the evolving digital landscape.