Spotify Sees Surge in 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' Searches

Spotify Sees Surge in 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' Searches

The upcoming eclipse has sparked a renewed interest in a classic song on Spotify, bringing a wave of nostalgia to music lovers.

The upcoming eclipse on Monday has sparked renewed interest in a classic song from the past.

Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler's 1983 hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is experiencing a surge in popularity on Spotify as individuals put together playlists for the rare celestial event. In the United States, 32 million people reside in the path of totality, where the moon will briefly obscure the sun from view.

According to a Spotify representative who spoke to CNN, searches for Tyler's song have increased by almost 50% in the US in the last week. The streaming service anticipates this trend to continue on Monday during the eclipse.

Tyler's song is currently the top choice for users adding music to their "eclipse" playlists on Spotify in the US.

In this photo illustration, a woman models eclipse glasses from Warby Parker on April 01, 2024 in New York City. Warby Parker announced that it will be offering free glasses certified for safe viewing of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8. People can visit any store to receive up to two pairs of solar eclipse glasses at no cost. The event will mark the last total solar eclipse that is visible from the United States until 2044.

In this photo illustration, a woman models eclipse glasses from Warby Parker on April 01, 2024 in New York City. Warby Parker announced that it will be offering free glasses certified for safe viewing of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8. People can visit any store to receive up to two pairs of solar eclipse glasses at no cost. The event will mark the last total solar eclipse that is visible from the United States until 2044.

Warby Parker is giving away free eclipse glasses for safe viewing of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8. You can get up to two pairs of glasses at any store without paying anything. This eclipse will be the last total solar eclipse visible from the United States until 2044.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

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Brands are getting creative with solar eclipse-themed products like doughnuts, smoothies, pizza, MoonPie, and eyewear. They are going all out to celebrate this celestial event.

The solar eclipse fever is not just limited to physical products. Even on iTunes, a song related to the eclipse is currently the 10th most purchased song on Monday. It jumped an impressive 30 spots in just one day. Searches for the song have also skyrocketed on Google Trends.

The song is a favorite among music lovers during eclipses. Tyler, 72, has acknowledged the song's popularity on social media. In 2011, she wrote on X: "Notifications are blowing up. checks news Ah. There’s an eclipse."

No one seems to love the eclipse more than her. During the last eclipse in the US in 2017, sales for downloads of the song skyrocketed by over 500%, as reported by Billboard. Quite impressive for a song that topped the charts for four weeks in 1983.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming solar eclipse has reignited interest in Bonnie Tyler's classic hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart," which has climbed in popularity on streaming platforms and is being widely added to eclipse-themed playlists. This resurgence reflects the song's enduring connection to this celestial phenomenon, and Tyler herself has acknowledged its popularity during eclipses.

The excitement surrounding this rare event has extended beyond music, with brands creating eclipse-themed products and consumers embracing the opportunity to experience it. The popularity of Tyler's song and the overall eclipse fever demonstrate the captivating nature of this astronomical spectacle and its ability to inspire awe and wonder.