Shocking Revelation: Final Fantasy 16 Under Attack from Review Bombers

Shocking Revelation: Final Fantasy 16 Under Attack from Review Bombers

The highly anticipated and well-received Final Fantasy 16 is facing a review-bombing campaign, as certain users attempt to diminish its overall rating

Final Fantasy 16 is facing a barrage of negative reviews, resulting in a user score of 6.8, in stark contrast to its impressive 88 critic score. Critics have been full of praise for Final Fantasy 16, deeming it as one of the finest installments in the main series to date. However, the game has been mired in controversy due to its exclusive release on the PlayStation 5.

While Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 15 were released on Xbox simultaneously with their PlayStation launches, Final Fantasy 16 will remain exclusive to the PS5 for a minimum of six months. As of now, there have been no announcements regarding an Xbox port for Final Fantasy 16. However, fans can look forward to a PC version of this critically acclaimed game, set to potentially arrive sometime in 2024, courtesy of Square Enix.

Final Fantasy 16 Reviews

The backlash against Final Fantasy 16 on Metacritic stems from its exclusivity to the PS5, as evident from the influx of 0/10 user reviews. Some even claim that there is a concerted effort by the gaming media to inflate its review scores solely because it is a PS5 exclusive. Adding weight to this theory, a few individuals who gave Final Fantasy 16 a 0/10 rating bestowed a perfect 10/10 score upon Redfall, an ill-fated Xbox console exclusive. Whether the score will continue to decline or if devoted Final Fantasy fans will counter with positive reviews to bolster it remains to be seen.

Shocking Revelation: Final Fantasy 16 Under Attack from Review Bombers

However, it's important to note that not all negative Final Fantasy 16 reviews can be attributed to the game's exclusivity on the PS5. Some critics express dissatisfaction with the new action-oriented combat system, longing for the series to retain its traditional turn-based mechanics. Furthermore, there are those who find the pacing of the storyline lacking or are unimpressed with certain aspects of the supplementary content.

Professional reviews for Final Fantasy 16 have overwhelmingly praised the game, with many considering it as a strong contender for Game of the Year, along with titles like Street Fighter 6 and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The game's cutting-edge graphics, thrilling battles, and captivating story have been particularly acclaimed. Despite the common occurrence of review bombing campaigns targeting major game releases, it is unlikely that Final Fantasy 16 will be greatly affected by such actions in the long term.

Final Fantasy 16 is now available for PS5.

Source: Metacritic