Shocking and Unbelievable: Find Out the 10 Darkest Full House Moments That Will Leave You Speechless

The Tanners faced an array of dark and poignant moments throughout the sitcom Full House From unexpected deaths to personal struggles, the show tackled tough issues with sensitivity and realism
Full House, a family comedy, delved into numerous dark storylines throughout its eight-year tenure. Set in San Francisco, this iconic sitcom from the late '80s/early '90s followed the unconventional home dynamic of the Tanner family. Single father Danny Tanner took on the responsibility of raising his three daughters, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle, after the loss of their mother. To aid him in this challenging task, he enlisted the help of his brother-in-law, Jesse Katsopolis, and best friend, Joey Gladstone. Together, they not only supported Danny financially but also took on the role of raising the Tanner girls, leading to a collection of cherished memories.
Full House's sitcom format offered a unique premise, allowing ABC to explore a wide range of storylines that showcased the joys and struggles of parenting from different perspectives. In 2016, nearly two decades after the original series concluded, the Tanners made a comeback on Netflix with the spin-off sequel, Fuller House. While the spin-off essentially mirrored the premise of the original show, it focused on DJ's experiences, mirroring her father's earlier journey. However, Fuller House failed to recapture the enchantment of Full House and took on fewer dark storylines.
10 Pam Tanner's Death Kicking Off Full House
The series Full House began with the unfortunate event of Pam, Danny's wife, passing away. At the start of the show, some time had already passed since her death, and the family was gradually adjusting to life after a period of grieving. Initially, little was known about Pam's background, but it was eventually revealed that she tragically lost her life in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Choosing to introduce a family sitcom through such a tragedy was a significant gamble, especially considering that Pam's death and the accident remained recurring themes throughout the show's duration. Fortunately, Full House managed to handle this delicate subject matter with great skill.
9 DJ Tanner Being Obsessed With Dieting
DJ, as the oldest Tanner daughter, was the first to navigate the challenges of adolescence. While Full House incorporated imaginative storytelling, it primarily portrayed real-life situations, making it highly relatable. Surprisingly, the show addressed the harmful effects of promoting unrealistic beauty standards when DJ, as a young teenager, began to socialize more. Struggling with body insecurity, she resorted to an extreme diet that consisted mainly of snacking on ice. Desperate to keep her plan hidden from her father and the rest of the family, DJ eventually fainted, forcing her to confess her secret.
8 Stephanie Dealing With Peer Pressure
DJ wasn't the sole individual grappling with societal expectations in Full House. Despite being undeniably intelligent, Danny's daughters were not impervious to the typical challenges that adolescents face. In Stephanie's case, her difficulties stemmed from associating with the wrong crowd. At one juncture, she found herself compelled to impress a few classmates by engaging in smoking. While the notion of making new friends crossed her mind, the middle child of the Tanner family possessed enough wisdom to know better. Witnessing the discomfort she experienced amidst a group of girls pressuring her to smoke was disheartening.
7 Papouli Unexpectedly Dying
Full House, a sitcom, had its fair share of character deaths. From the beginning, the show depicted the passing of Danny's wife. However, it was in season 7 when the audience witnessed one of the most heart-wrenching moments in the series, the death of Papouli. Papouli, Jesse's grandfather from Greece, arrived in San Francisco and immediately won the affection of the Tanner family and the viewers. But just as he started to settle in, Papouli unexpectedly passed away, leaving everyone in shock. This loss deeply affected both Jesse and Michelle, who found solace in their shared grief.
6 Stephanie Experiencing PTSD
5 Kimmy's Drinking Problem (& DJ's Intervention)
: Shortly after the loss of her mother, Stephanie developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a powerful earthquake in San Francisco. Fueled by her fear of losing her father as well, Stephanie's worry over Danny's safety reached such levels that she would dread his departure for work. Recognizing the seriousness of his daughter's condition, Jesse and Joey supported the Tanner patriarch in seeking medical assistance. Although Full House did not extensively explore Stephanie's PTSD journey, it is noteworthy that the disorder was addressed in a sitcom, particularly from the perspective of a young girl.
The mention of Pam's death on Full House wasn't as frequent as some may have expected, but it still had a significant impact on the show, particularly on her daughters. During season 8, there was a situation where Kimmy became intoxicated at a party and intended to drive back home. However, DJ intervened and prevented her from doing so. This incident caused conflict between the best friends, but when the oldest Tanner daughter explained that her mom had died in a drunk driving accident, Kimmy immediately recognized the gravity of her actions.
4 Stephanie's Almost Drunk Driving Accident
Stephanie's desire to ride shotgun with her friends, despite the tragic loss of her mother in a car crash, almost mirrored Kimmy's close call with a drunk driving incident on Full House. Fortunately, DJ intervened and prevented Stephanie from accompanying them. Understandably, Stephanie felt angry and believed that DJ was interfering with her life. However, her perspective quickly changed when she learned about Gia's involvement in a car accident. Realizing the gravity of her actions, Stephanie promptly apologized to her sister.
3 DJ Makes Friend With An Alzheimer's Patient
During season 5 of Full House, DJ participated in the Adopt-a-grandparent program at a nursing home, where she formed a special bond with an elderly man named Eddie. Their friendship grew so strong that DJ extended an invitation for Eddie to join her at Stephanie and Kimmy's dog competition in her own home. Unfortunately, as time went on, Eddie's behavior became increasingly unusual around the Tanners, and DJ soon discovered that he was showing early signs of Alzheimer's disease. Although Eddie only appeared once in Full House, the heartbreak was palpable when he had episodes and mistakenly believed DJ to be his daughter.
2 Stephanie Being Trapped In A Make-Out Party
1 Stephanie Discovering That Her Classmate Is Being Abused
Throughout the duration of Full House, Stephanie found herself entangled in challenging predicaments. Although DJ faced criticism for her friendship with Kimmy, she did have a reliable companion in her older sister. Conversely, Stephanie had to navigate through various social circles, not all of which had positive influences. At one juncture, she found herself trapped in a make-out party. While her friend attempted to downplay the situation, Stephanie exhibited wisdom by calling DJ for assistance, only to be surprised when Danny arrived to provide support instead.
The tragic loss of the Tanner kids' mother was mitigated by the presence of three devoted parental figures in Full House. Throughout the series, Danny, Jesse, and Joey may have made mistakes, but their intentions were always rooted in love. In Full House season 6, Stephanie became aware of the harsh reality that not all children are raised in nurturing environments when she uncovered her classmate Charles' experience of abuse at the hands of his father. Full House chose to address domestic violence, a sensitive topic, with great care and thoughtfulness.