Second Thoughts: Why Below Deck's Fraser Olender May Regret His Choice of Second Stew

Second Thoughts: Why Below Deck's Fraser Olender May Regret His Choice of Second Stew

Is Below Deck's Fraser Olender making a mistake by trusting his judgment when it comes to selecting a second stew?

Fraser Olender, the Chief Stew of Below Deck season 11, has been relying on his instincts all season. However, he may need to start questioning himself after making a mistake in choosing his second in command. Fraser, who started as a stew in Below Deck season 9, has been leading the stews since season 10. His first experience as Chief Stew was challenging, but it taught him what he is willing to tolerate and what he is not.

In this season of Below Deck, Fraser has been striving to create a more inclusive and drama-free environment for his stews. He has been focused on minimizing conflicts, but this has also made him overlook the work ethic of his team. By putting all his energy into improving the working atmosphere, Fraser's judgment has been clouded in terms of who he can rely on during this charter season.

Fraser Has Been Hard On Barbie Pascual Throughout The Season

Fraser Olender on Below Deck - Fraser Has Been Hard On Barbie Pascual Throughout The Season

Fraser Olender on Below Deck - Fraser Has Been Hard On Barbie Pascual Throughout The Season

Early in the season, Fraser met his stew Barbie Pascual and expressed his excitement about working with her for the charter. Barbie, with her impressive resume and strong work ethic, has proven to be a valuable member of the crew. She is capable of performing tasks without much guidance, and although she initially resisted following Fraser's directions, she has shown the ability to adjust and correct course when necessary. Despite being a standout employee on St. David, Barbie has faced challenges in winning over Fraser.

Fraser's initial impression of Barbie was that she was uptight, but he quickly recognized her competence in her role. While he initially kept quiet about her demanding nature, it became apparent that Barbie's controlling demeanor made it difficult for Fraser to manage her. Instead of addressing the issue directly, Fraser circumvented Barbie and discussed her behavior with Captain Kerry Titheradge. The captain acknowledged Barbie's skills and attempted to encourage Fraser to move past their differences.

Barbie’s Controlling Nature Has Been Difficult To Deal With

 Barbie Pascual from below deck montage - Barbie’s Controlling Nature Has Been Difficult To Deal With

Barbie Pascual from below deck montage - Barbie’s Controlling Nature Has Been Difficult To Deal With

Fraser's approach to working with Barbie may come across as a bit forceful, but his response to her controlling nature is not uncommon. Barbie, who mentioned on Below Deck season 11 episode 1 that she works for personal fulfillment rather than financial necessity, has her own set ways of doing things. She is experienced in the world of superyachts and has developed processes that work well for her. It's evident that Barbie values her independence and prefers to handle tasks on her own.

Although Barbie's autonomy in her work is commendable, it has posed challenges for Fraser. While her ability to work independently is beneficial during busy charter moments when Fraser is occupied, it can be problematic when she is asked to follow directions. Fraser is focused on building a cohesive team, but Barbie has struggled to follow his guidance and often prefers to do things her own way. Managing Barbie's independence has proven to be a challenge for Fraser, as she seems to prefer working alone rather than as part of the team.

Barbie’s Feud With Cat Baugh Has Created Too Much Tension

Below Deck's Barbie Pascual & Cat Baugh montage - Barbie’s Feud With Cat Baugh Has Created Too Much Tension

Below Deck's Barbie Pascual & Cat Baugh montage - Barbie’s Feud With Cat Baugh Has Created Too Much Tension

Fraser Has Tried To Help Cat, Despite Squashing His Beef With Barbie

Fraser has been making efforts to assist Cat, even after resolving his issues with Barbie. Despite the tension between Barbie and Cat, Fraser has been stepping in to provide guidance and support to help Cat adjust to the demands of working on the St. David. He has shown patience and understanding towards Cat, offering her advice and encouragement to improve her performance on the superyacht.

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Fraser has mostly stayed out of the arguments between Cat and Barbie, but he has tried to help them resolve their issues. When Cat opened up to him about her problems with Barbie, Fraser felt sorry for her and started blaming Barbie. Instead of staying neutral like a Chief Stew should, Fraser showed favoritism towards Cat and let her handle service. This decision backfired as Cat, who wasn't prepared for service, made several mistakes in front of Captain Kerry.

Fraser's Decision to Choose Xandi Olivier as Second Stew Was a Mistake

Fraser was determined to have Cat on service, but it was evident that she was not prepared for the job. He had to acknowledge that Barbie was the stew he could depend on, and realized the need to have a direct conversation with her. Despite their efforts to mend their relationship, there was still tension between them. Fraser understood the importance of Barbie to his team and decided to set aside his personal issues with her.

Xandi Olivier Below Deck - Fraser Choosing Xandi Olivier As Second Stew Was A Mistake

Xandi Olivier Below Deck - Fraser Choosing Xandi Olivier As Second Stew Was A Mistake

Fraser decided to appoint Xandi as his second stew, which essentially makes her the second in command. While Xandi has been doing well in her role, Barbie has been working hard to prove herself during the first charters of the season. She has been a valuable asset to the team, putting in a lot of effort and handling stressful situations, especially when dealing with the charter guests. By choosing Xandi to primarily take care of the interior of St. David, Fraser made it clear to Barbie where she stands.

Fraser’s Judgment Has Been Off All Season

Montage of Below Deck's Fraser Olender with gold background - Fraser’s Judgment Has Been Off All Season

Montage of Below Deck's Fraser Olender with gold background - Fraser’s Judgment Has Been Off All Season

After watching the first few episodes of Below Deck season 11, it is evident that Fraser has been making some questionable decisions throughout the season. He urged Cat to take on service duties before she was fully prepared, just to make a point. Then, he chose Xandi as his second stew over Barbie, who was more deserving of the position. It seems like Fraser has been letting his personal biases cloud his judgment, and it is clear that he should not rely on his instincts, as they have been leading him astray repeatedly.

Below Deck season 11 airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on Bravo, then streams the following day on Peacock.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an insightful analysis of Fraser Olender's leadership style in the latest season of "Below Deck." It highlights Fraser's initial struggles with creating a cohesive team environment while trying to minimize conflicts. However, his focus on inclusivity may have led him to overlook the work ethic of his team, particularly in the case of Barbie Pascual.

Fraser's handling of the situation with Barbie and Cat Baugh raises questions about his judgment. While he initially expressed excitement about working with Barbie, her controlling nature and resistance to following directions became a challenge for him. Instead of addressing the issue directly, Fraser circumvented Barbie and discussed her behavior with the captain. This approach may have created a sense of disconnect and resentment within the team. Furthermore, Fraser's decision to appoint Xandi as his second stew over Barbie, despite Barbie's proven competence, suggests that his personal biases may have influenced his judgment.