RHONY Star Jessel Taank Reveals Believing Michael Jackson Was Her Biological Father

RHONY Star Jessel Taank Reveals Believing Michael Jackson Was Her Biological Father

'The Real Housewives of New York City' star Jessel Tank reveals 25 intriguing facts about herself, including her childhood misconception about being Michael Jackson's 'real dad'

RHONY Star Jessel Taank Reveals Believing Michael Jackson Was Her Biological Father

Bennett Raglin/Getty Images

The Real Housewives of New York City star Jessel Taank had a pretty wild theory about her parents and Michael Jackson while growing up.

Taank, 43, exclusively reveals to We in their segment "25 Things You Don't Know About Me" that during her childhood, she believed Michael Jackson was her biological father and that her parents had taken her away from him. However, as she grew older, Taank gained wisdom and realized that the singer was not her dad. Now, she describes herself as "uniquely perceptive and highly spiritual," characteristic qualities often associated with Scorpios.

"I have been seeking guidance from an astrologist since I was fifteen," she reveals to Us.

Driven by her determination to achieve, Taank's accomplishments cannot be solely attributed to celestial predictions. Instead, she materializes her objectives. "I proudly consider myself an expert in manifestation and have refined it to a precise technique," Taank confides to Us. "Every day, I vividly imagine and will into existence whatever I desire—it has proven to be consistently successful."

Her next endeavor Taank is manifesting is her own e-commerce platform, Oushq, which is set to launch this fall.

Scroll down to read 25 things fans might not know about Taank:

1. I had a strange fixation on Sweet Valley High - both the books and the television series.

2. I absolutely detest cilantro - its odor, flavor, and consistency. It is frequently utilized in Indian dishes, and during my childhood, I would throw a fit if it was included in my meal. My mother believed she could outsmart me by incorporating it into her cooking, but I was incredibly perceptive to its presence. I was well aware of its existence and adamantly declined to consume it.

3. I had a private Japanese tutor growing up and can converse in Japanese.

4. As a child, I thought Michael Jackson was my real dad and my parents had kidnapped me from him.

RHONY Star Jessel Taank Reveals Believing Michael Jackson Was Her Biological Father

Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images

5. I tell everyone my favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, but really, it’s Clueless.

6. My admiration for the WWF/WWE was immense, and even now I possess an extensive knowledge of all the wrestlers and their signature maneuvers, such as the British Bulldog's formidable Running Powerslam.

7. During my formative years, my heartthrob was none other than Joshua Jackson, famously known as Pacey from the immensely popular series Dawson's Creek.

8. I consider myself the ultimate master of manifestation, having perfected it through meticulous study. Without fail, I daily visualize my desires, willing them into reality with unwavering confidence.

9. Throughout my adolescence, I diligently maintained a journal where I inscribed a vision for my future back in 1995: "Reside in New York, pursue a career in the fashion industry, and be blessed with twin sons."

10. My guilty pleasure is McDonald’s chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce.

11. I know the words to almost every Bollywood song and am a Bollywood aficionado.

12. In the realm of fashion, I primarily dress myself. I possess a strong self-assurance regarding what suits me best and consistently rely on my intuition.

13. Indian fashion has perpetually served as an avenue of escape for me: during my childhood, I would dress up and envision myself as a princess!

14. I’m extremely clumsy and can somehow fall even while standing still.

15. My most creative and most impactful ideas come to me while I’m in the shower.

16. My brother and I used to go to karate class, then come home and watch The Karate Kid to practice our moves.

RHONY Star Jessel Taank Reveals Believing Michael Jackson Was Her Biological Father

Columbia Pictures

17. I have a fear of mosquitoes, especially when they buzz by your ear when you’re sleeping.

18. I made the first move on my husband, Pavit [Randhawa].

19. I love to eat Doritos on planes.

20. My pet peeve is people who chew loudly.

21. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be in a gorgeous villa in Bali.

22. I love wearing men’s cologne; my all-time favorite is Cool Water.

23. I’m weirdly intuitive and extremely spiritual.

24. I have consulted with an astrologist since the age of 15.

25. I always wonder what the world would be like if Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G. were still alive. I think about it frequently.