Revolutionizing Travel in Teyvat: A Creative Genshin Impact Metro System

Revolutionizing Travel in Teyvat: A Creative Genshin Impact Metro System

Discover a new level of exploration in Genshin Impact with an innovative metro system concept designed by a passionate fan Explore the vast world of Teyvat like never before and uncover hidden treasures and secrets along the way Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure with this unique addition to the game!

A Genshin Impact enthusiast has presented an intriguing idea by creating a metro map of Teyvat, showcasing the game's various locations. In recent updates, HoYoverse has been consistently adding new regions to the map, with the latest update featuring the introduction of Gavireh Lajavard and Realm of Farakhkert, both belonging to the Sumeru nation - the newest major nation in the game. As Sumeru's Archon quest draws to a close, players eagerly anticipate the next installment of the game's main storyline.

An intriguing map concept for a potential metro system in Teyvat has been created by a Reddit user going by the name Giorky. The design has caught the attention of numerous players, with the post garnering almost 500 upvotes on the official Genshin Impact subreddit. During the design process, Giorky made a conscious decision to exclude all fantasy elements, such as Genshin Impact's monsters and extreme weather conditions like thundering storms on Inazuma's island. Different colors have been used to mark special areas, with red representing the most dangerous parts of Teyvat and green marking natural reservations. Due to the Inazuma islands being far from Sumeru, Mondstadt, and Liyue, which are all connected by land, a significant portion of the metro would need to be placed underwater. The creator of the concept has also revealed that they drew inspiration from real-life metro examples. While fans usually use Teleport Waypoints to travel from one place to another, they have expressed interest in having a unique transportation method that allows them to observe the stunning world of Teyvat when traveling from Sumeru to Mondstadt.

Giorky may need to update their approach soon as HoYoverse is gearing up to introduce a brand new region to the game, called Fontaine. This was revealed in the first Fontaine teaser that was unveiled during the latest Special Program event for version 3.7.

The teaser showcases the Traveler diving, which has led many fans to speculate that this new mechanic will be introduced in version 4.0. While there is no official word yet on when Genshin Impact version 4.0 will be released, based on the game's past launch schedules, players can expect the major update to drop sometime in the latter half of August.

Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, and a Switch port is also in development.