Reviving Big Daddies: BioShock's Bold Move

Reviving Big Daddies: BioShock's Bold Move

BioShock's Big Daddies became iconic to the franchise, but bringing them back in another title may not do justice As the franchise expands, players associate it with the captivating Rapture The descent into the underwater city will forever be remembered, and reintroducing the Big Daddies could detract from the original experience

While BioShock has expanded beyond the confines of Rapture, the underwater city remains a beloved cornerstone of the franchise. Players will always cherish their first descent into the city via the bathysphere as Jack, taking in its stunning beauty before being confronted with the horrors that have befallen it.

The other defining image of BioShock is undoubtedly the Big Daddy. These towering, heavily-armored figures were created by Dr. Yi Suchong to protect the ADAM-collecting Little Sisters after a series of experiments. Despite their popularity and iconic status, it is unlikely that Big Daddies will return to the franchise.

BioShock's Rapture Is Effectively No More

Reviving Big Daddies: BioShock's Bold Move

Despite Sofia Lamb's destructive actions, Rapture's legacy lives on. However, the city's inhabitants are facing a grim fate as the Splicers will eventually run out of breathable air, and the city's infrastructure will cease to function. Andrew Ryan's vision for an ecosystem built on the principles of Objectivism will crumble, and even the Big Daddies will be rendered purposeless. With no children left to protect, they will wander aimlessly through the empty halls and surrounding seabed of Rapture.

Fortunately, there is hope for the Big Daddies. Eleanor Lamb has absorbed Subject Delta's consciousness and ADAM, allowing her to carry his memories, ambitions, and drives. In addition, she has inherited his instincts as a Big Daddy. Whether it's protecting the vulnerable, showing compassion, or being ruthless, Eleanor's actions will be influenced by the player's choices for the rest of her life.

There Are Other Ways to Portray The Parental Relationship Of Big Daddies And Little Sisters

Reviving Big Daddies: BioShock's Bold Move

The relationship between the Big Daddies and Little Sisters is at the heart of their concept. The Little Sisters are fragile, innocent, and vital to the BioShock ecosystem, while the Big Daddies are strong, tormented, and expendable. This complementary relationship sets the Big Daddies apart from other giant video game characters and makes them significant to the overall story.

BioShock Infinite features a concrete example of the Big Daddy-Little Sister relationship in another game. Songbird, a colossal character, is driven to protect the game's secondary protagonist, Elizabeth. The collaboration between Jeremiah Fink and Dr. Yi Suchong via Tears enabled them to communicate with each other. However, Songbird's relationship with Elizabeth was forged organically. Elizabeth repaired Songbird's oxygen supply after he crashed into her tower in Columbia, creating an unbreakable bond between them. Despite being much larger than a Big Daddy, Songbird plays a crucial role in Columbia's ecosystem as Elizabeth's protector.

There are various approaches that game developers can take to incorporate the concept of Big Daddies in other games. One possible method is to follow the example of Songbird in BioShock Infinite, which allows for greater creative liberty. Another option is to introduce two characters who develop a similar bond throughout the game, much like Joel and Ellie's relationship in The Last of Us. This latter approach would feel more natural and authentic to players. Although the Big Daddies may have perished with Rapture, their legacy and symbolism can endure through other avenues. It is worth noting that BioShock 4 is currently in the works.