Get ready for Dead Island 2's upcoming Haus DLC, a thrilling homage to the iconic BioShock franchise Fans can expect a captivating experience that seamlessly blends the best of both worlds, as eerie s...
The highly-anticipated BioShock movie is in the works, and screenwriter Michael Green teases fans with promising progress updates, sparking excitement for the live-action adaptation
Netflix's commitment to the highly anticipated BioShock Live-Action Movie remains unwavering, even after the recent Writers Strike Get ready for an extraordinary cinematic experience filled with suspe...
BioShock, the iconic gaming franchise, has the potential to explore new horizons with a cozy spin-off Drawing inspiration from the Two Point series, it could offer a Sims-like experience while maintai...
Dive into the depths of horror with Leviathan, an underwater creature feature that will leave Bioshock fans captivated Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the unknown
Discover the surprising resemblance between South Park: Snow Day and BioShock as this unique RPG takes a bold departure from its predecessors Uncover the undeniable influences that will shine through...
BioShock 4's success hinges on its terrifying enemy designs, crucial for upholding the series' iconic themes and philosophies of showcasing the dark side of humanity in an inhuman world
Bioshock 4: Embracing the Chilling Atmosphere of Antarctica, this highly anticipated game draws inspiration from a renowned horror film, crafting a thrilling narrative that immerses players in a world...