BioShock: Beyond the Sky

BioShock: Beyond the Sky

BioShock's next destination? Space After exploring Rapture and Columbia, it's time for a cosmic adventure Imagine the possibilities of a space-based BioShock game

It's been quite some time since the last Bioshock game was released, with the first game introducing players to the immersive world of Rapture back in 2007. Its sequel, BioShock 2, built on the success of its predecessor with multiple gameplay improvements and a gripping familial storyline. And in 2013, BioShock Infinite took players to the city of Columbia, broadening the scope of the franchise.

Despite the finality of BioShock Infinite's ending, there are still countless other worlds that the franchise could explore. While the iconic lighthouse and mysterious man remain a constant, the settings of each game are vastly different from one another. With this in mind, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine the next Bioshock game taking place in the depths of outer space.

All The Good Earthly Atmospheres Have Already Been Explored By Previous BioShock Games

BioShock: Beyond the Sky

The world of BioShock is known for its fascinating creations, with Rapture being the most famous of them all. Andrew Ryan's vision of a city free from the influence of governments, religions, and morality attracted the brightest minds to Rapture. They were given the freedom to pursue their interests in hopes of advancing the city. However, the city's downfall was inevitable due to greed, jealousy, and the mind-altering effects of ADAM.

In contrast, the sky city of Columbia in BioShock Infinite shares some similarities with Rapture, but also has distinct differences. Commissioned by the United States government, Columbia eventually severed ties with its motherland due to its extremist views. Founder Zachary Hale Comstock twisted American politics and religion, leading to unsavory traits like racism and xenophobia. This eventually led to a war between Comstock and the Vox Populi, with Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth playing a significant role in Columbia's eventual demise.

BioShock games have always been known for their unique settings, whether it's the underwater city of Rapture or the skybound metropolis of Columbia. These settings are not just aesthetically pleasing but also play a crucial role in the game's narrative. For instance, Rapture's Big Daddies are equipped with high-pressure dive suits that allow them to perform underwater repairs on the city. Similarly, Columbia's citizens are trapped in the city due to the fear of falling to the ground.

However, space could be the next best setting for a BioShock game to explore. The vastness of space and the confined spaceships could create a claustrophobic atmosphere that would add a new dimension to the gameplay experience. The use of advanced technology and gadgets could also make the game more engaging and challenging.

In conclusion, BioShock games have always been at the forefront of innovative game design, and the exploration of space could be the next step in their evolution. The potential for creating a unique and immersive gaming experience is immense, and fans of the franchise would undoubtedly be eagerly anticipating such an adventure.

Setting a BioShock game on Earth would be too mundane for a franchise as imaginative as BioShock, especially with the vast exploration of the ocean and the skies of America in previous games. It would also be too easy to escape a city by land due to the availability of various modes of transportation. A better idea would be to set the game in space, where life can be sustained under the right conditions but also provides enough creative freedom for developers to construct a unique world. This world could include its own versions of iconic elements such as Big Daddies, Little Sisters, and genetic-altering Plasmids.

Most importantly, a BioShock set in space would evoke the same sense of entrapment as the previous games. The vast emptiness of space presents a hostile environment where survival is only possible with adequate equipment. The BioShock franchise can explore numerous themes amidst the desolate and infinite expanse, such as the significance of existence and the feeling of insignificance in a colossal universe. Considering the possibilities presented by the environment and themes, space appears to be a promising frontier for the forthcoming BioShock 4.