Revamped and Reinvigorated: Get Ready for Counter-Strike 2's Spectacular Map Overhaul!

Revamped and Reinvigorated: Get Ready for Counter-Strike 2's Spectacular Map Overhaul!

Counter-Strike 2's Closed Test unveils exciting changes! Leaked screenshots reveal an extensive revamp of a beloved map, delighting fans with fresh and immersive gameplay experiences


A leak has unveiled a major overhaul of Inferno, one of Counter-Strike 2's most beloved maps. While Counter-Strike 2 brings numerous significant changes compared to CS:GO, the revamp of Inferno comes as a surprise to many.

The unexpected announcement of Counter-Strike 2 earlier this year caused a sensation. Despite CS:GO's previous period of limited growth, any alteration to the formula carried the risk of disrupting its growing popularity. However, the opposite occurred. Upon the reveal of Counter-Strike 2, CS:GO broke its own record for the highest number of players on Steam and continued to break this record multiple times in the months that followed. The Counter-Strike franchise has always been a staple in the FPS genre, but it currently seems to have ascended to a new level of popularity among both casual and hardcore gamers. Hopefully, the release of Counter-Strike 2 will live up to expectations, and the player numbers will continue to surge each day.

The post by Reddit user iMarbot, available here, features screenshots showcasing the revamped version of Inferno in Counter-Strike 2. This updated visual style of the map brings about significant changes, particularly on the challenging A-site. Previously, players could conceal themselves behind the graveyard stairs on the A-site, but this hiding spot has now been eliminated. Consequently, those entering the bombsite will now have one less area to inspect. This substantial alteration will impact gameplay across all skill levels, including competitive play. Additionally, the area commonly referred to as "construction" among players has been transformed into "church" in order to demonstrate the impressive new lighting engine of Counter-Strike 2.

Revamped and Reinvigorated: Get Ready for Counter-Strike 2's Spectacular Map Overhaul!

These screenshots appear to have been taken from the latest update of Counter-Strike 2, where Mirage was removed from the Closed Test map pool and replaced with Nuke and Office. Valve is currently releasing maps gradually to address any major bugs before the game's full release later this Summer. While the gameplay changes to the map have been well-received, some players have expressed dissatisfaction with its lack of color, particularly in comparison to the vibrant Inferno map in CS:GO. As everything is still subject to change, Valve may make bolder color choices in the final version of Inferno.

Despite regular updates to the Closed Test, Valve has not revealed an official release date for the full game. Initially, it was tentatively scheduled for Summer 2023, which means it could be released at any time. Since the announcement of Counter-Strike 2, the prices of CS:GO skins have skyrocketed, and it seems unlikely that the hype for the game will die down anytime soon.

Counter-Strike 2 launches Summer 2023 on PC.

Source: Reddit