RBG Award Ceremony Honoring Musk and Murdoch Cancelled Due to Family Opposition

RBG Award Ceremony Honoring Musk and Murdoch Cancelled Due to Family Opposition

Following objections from the family of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the foundation organizing an award ceremony for notable figures like Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch has decided to cancel the event. The ceremony, which was set to honor these individuals with an award named after RBG, faced backlash prompting its cancellation.

The Opperman Foundation, which chose Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch among others for an award named after Ruth Bader Ginsburg, has decided to cancel its award ceremony. The late justice's family expressed concerns about the event.

Julie Opperman, the chair of the foundation, mentioned in a statement that their intention was never to upset RBG's family and friends.

Our main intention was to commemorate her and pay tribute to her leadership. However, the Foundation has made the decision to cancel the scheduled ceremony in April 2024, even though we hold each honoree in high regard for their leadership and significant contributions," Opperman explained.

The list of honorees for this year's "RBG Leadership" award by the foundation, formerly known as the "Ruth Bader Ginsburg Women in Leadership" award, was recently revealed. The list includes lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, actor Sylvester Stallone, and financier Michael Milken.

The Ginsburg family members and a former clerk for the justice have urged the foundation to remove her name from the award. Jim Ginsburg, her son, expressed to CNN's Paula Reid that the selections of Musk and Murdoch were disrespectful to his mother's memory. He stated that when striving for a fairer society, which was his mother's main objective, Musk and Murdoch are probably the last names that would be considered.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a dedicated liberal member of the high court, passed away in 2020 at the age of 87. Throughout her time on the bench, she consistently supported progressive stances on important social issues such as abortion rights, same-sex marriage, and immigration.

According to Opperman's statement, the foundation has expanded the group of individuals eligible for recognition to include men and leaders from diverse fields. This decision was made based on the belief that Ginsburg's teachings on equality should be applied and honored by all.

"We always aim to do good, so the Foundation avoids creating controversy or sparking debates about the worthiness of honorees," she explained. "Although Justice Ginsburg's advocacy for women's equality was once controversial, we prefer to focus on her legacy of civility rather than getting involved in contentious discussions."

Editor's P/S:

The Opperman Foundation's decision to cancel its award ceremony amidst controversy over the inclusion of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch among the honorees is a testament to the enduring legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her family's concerns about the honorees' lack of alignment with her values underscore the importance of honoring her legacy with integrity. The foundation's initial intent to recognize diverse leaders is commendable, but the selection process should have been more sensitive to the values Ginsburg held dear.

The foundation's decision to remove Ginsburg's name from the award is a fitting tribute to her exceptional life and work. By focusing on her legacy of civility, the foundation can avoid further controversy and ensure that her name is associated with the highest standards of leadership and equality. This incident serves as a reminder that when honoring iconic figures, it is crucial to do so in a manner that aligns with their values and beliefs. ongoing debate.