Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's Kieran: Unleashing the Power of an Iconic Character
Experience a nostalgic blast from the past in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's DLC as Kieran, a new character, exudes a captivating energy reminiscent of the iconic N from Pokemon Black and White Join the adventure and witness the enchanting connection between these two unforgettable characters!
The DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduces new characters, including siblings Carmine and Kieran, who play important roles in the story.
Kieran's gentle and sensitive demeanor mirrors that of Pokemon Black and White's character N, who had a complex connection with both humans and Pokemon.
Although Kieran bears resemblances to N, his decision to remain loyal to Dipplin as his primary companion Pokemon indicates a distinct viewpoint on the bond between humans and their Pokemon.
The DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is expanding the games' roster of unique characters with several new additions in The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk. In addition to introducing a variety of new Pokemon, players will have the opportunity to encounter skilled trainers in Kitakami and fellow students at Blueberry Academy. Notably, siblings Carmine and Kieran play significant roles in the DLC's storyline, with Kieran bearing resemblance to a beloved character from previous games.
While there is limited information available about Carmine and Kieran, it is evident that Carmine is a determined and protective older sister, whereas Kieran is a timid and sensitive younger brother. The Pokemon series consistently showcases a wide range of personalities through its characters, and Carmine and Kieran exemplify this contrast. Described as gentle and reserved, Kieran's temperament appears to mirror that of N, a prominent character from Pokemon Black and White, a beloved installment in the franchise's fifth generation.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Kieran is Reminiscent of Pokemon Black and White's N
N, also known as Natural Harmonia Gropius, is a captivating and mysterious figure in Pokemon Black and White. He frequently challenges players to battles in order to listen to their Pokemon's voices, claiming an empathetic connection with them. Growing up orphaned alongside mistreated Pokemon has instilled in him a gentle and caring nature towards these creatures. However, a significant twist in the game reveals that N was raised by Ghetsis from Team Plasma, with the intention of grooming him to become their future leader. As a result, N holds a well-intentioned but distorted perspective on the bond between humans and Pokemon.
Despite his profound compassion for Pokemon, N harbors deep resentment towards humans and their treatment of these creatures. This aspect of his character appears somewhat similar to the qualities displayed by Kieran, who also demonstrates gentleness towards both humans and Pokemon. While N's sister Carmine seems cautious of people from other regions, Kieran displays genuine curiosity upon first meeting the player. It is worth noting that Kieran's enigmatic aura and sensitive nature bear striking resemblances to those of N. However, due to the limited information on Kieran's role in the DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it remains uncertain if his character development will follow a similar path as N's.
Unlike N, who changes his team every time the player encounters him, Kieran appears to be committed to using the new Applin evolution, Dipplin, as his primary partner Pokemon. This suggests that, while still caring for these creatures, Kieran doesn't share N's dislike for humans and has no reservations about capturing and training Pokemon for battles. By the end of Pokemon Black and White, N learns to appreciate the special bond between humans and their partner Pokemon, acknowledging his previous misconceptions. It's possible that Kieran's story could serve a similar purpose, altering the player's perspective on certain events.
As rumors and leaks surrounding Pokemon Black and White remakes or a Pokemon Legends Unova game circulate, it would be fitting for a character like Kieran to parallel the most iconic character of Gen 5. Interestingly, Kieran's name in each language represented in the game is derived from the term for black currant or black gooseberry. This could further hint at a connection to the Pokemon Black and White games of Gen 5. There are numerous similarities between the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC and the Gen 5 games, evident in the ways in which Kieran resembles N.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available for Nintendo Switch.