Unleashing the Ultimate Gen 8 Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet

Discover the dominant fairy-type Pokemon from Generation 8 that's taking Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by storm With its impressive abilities and versatile moveset, it's no surprise that Grimmsnarl has found a perfect home in this game Explore its best matchups and ideal teammates to dominate the competition
The mainline Pokemon games have always been praised for their ability to introduce new Pokemon while still including favorites from previous generations. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Paldea Pokedex is no exception, featuring classic monsters such as Salamence, Garchomp, Panphy, Electrode, and Dragonite alongside heavy hitters from the previous installment like Dragapult and Toxtricity. Even a certain fairy-type Pokemon from the previous generation that dominated the competitive scene is making a splash in the latest game. In competitive Pokemon, doubles battles are the norm, where each trainer brings out two Pokemon and battles until all six are defeated on one side. This format, known as the Pokemon Video Game Championships (VGC), places more importance on support-type mons that protect and buff allies while debuffing or weakening opponents. One such support Pokemon from Generation 8 has proven to excel in these tasks and is causing chaos in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Grimmsnarl Feels Right at Home in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Grimmsnarl is a formidable addition to the competitive scene in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, boasting exceptional Attack and Sp. Attack stats, minimal type weaknesses, and a range of great support moves. As a fairy/dark type, it is well-suited for defensive teams, and its impressive skills make it a valuable asset in battle. One of Grimmsnarl's key moves is Light Screen, which reduces the damage dealt by special attack moves aimed at it or its ally by half. This can be paired with Reflect, which decreases the damage from physical attacks for five turns, to create a strong defensive strategy. Grimmsnarl's ability to use Fake Out, a move that causes the target to flinch and prevents them from making their move, is also incredibly useful in countering opponents with setup moves or one-hit KO skills.
Grimmsnarl's signature move, Spirit Break, is learned during evolution and inflicts damage on the target while lowering their special attack by one stage. This move proves to be extremely useful in countering powerful special attack Pokemon in the current meta. Additionally, the latest round of buffs has granted this Pokemon the ability to use Parting Shot, which not only lowers the target's attack and special attack but also allows Grimmsnarl to switch with a dormant ally Pokemon.
Grimmsnarl’s Best Matchups and Teammates in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
In the current competitive meta, Grimmsnarl is an excellent choice due to its effectiveness against the most popular Pokemon, such as Flutter Mane. This Pokemon boasts high-speed stats and powerful special attack moves including Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, and Moonblast. Despite being immune to Fake Out, Grimmsnarl can still reduce the impact of Flutter Mane's attacks using Light Screen and even render it almost ineffective with its Spirit Break move.
Defensive teams often include Grimmsnarl alongside bulky Pokemon such as Gholdengo, Dragonite, Bombardier, Garchomp, and Volcarona. These teams are designed to slowly wear down the opponent with high-defense and high-health Pokemon, while Grimmsnarl provides crucial defense and debuffs. Meanwhile, trainers can use damage dealers like Dragonite, Gyarados, and Gholdengo to chip away at their enemy's health.
Grimmsnarl's debut in Generation 8 was dominant due to its many defensive options, and it remains a popular choice in Generation 9. Its versatility allows it to protect fragile Pokemon and make tank Pokemon even harder to take down. Additionally, its fairy typing provides resistance to powerful Dragon-type attacks. In essence, Grimmsnarl serves as the ultimate bodyguard. Unless other Pokemon can offer a more diverse defensive skill set, Grimmsnarl will remain a dominant force in competitive play.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is available now on the Nintendo Switch.