Unlock the Ultimate Pokemon Transfer List for Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Home's latest 30 update brings exciting news for trainers as they can now transfer a specific list of Pokemon to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Find out which beloved creatures made the cut
Pokemon Home version 3.0 has finally arrived, enabling players of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to bring more of their favorite Pokemon from previous games on their journey through the Paldea region. Though the selection may be somewhat restricted, eligible Pokemon on the transfer list include both familiar and beloved creatures, providing players with fresh options for their teams. Despite some initial issues with the update's release, including a miscommunication on social media, a six-hour maintenance period has resolved any problems and allowed trainers to explore new possibilities in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Trainers can now transfer over 100 previously unobtainable Pokemon in the ninth generation to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through Pokemon Home. AdeptCharon created an infographic on Twitter, which lists all the Starter Pokemon from Kalos and Galar that can now be transferred to Paldea. Pokemon with regional variants from previous games like Typhlosion and Arcanine are also eligible, along with regional evolutions such as Kleavor and Sneasler from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo and Giratina are also included in the list of transferrable Pokemon.
Unfortunately, popular Pokemon like Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Chimchar cannot currently be brought to the Paldea region. However, the upcoming DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, will introduce more Pokemon from previous generations into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for trainers to catch in the wild upon release. It is unclear whether this will result in changes to the list of transferable Pokemon in Pokemon Home version 3.0.
However, trainers will have to exercise patience until later in the year to discover the newly transferrable Pokemon, commencing with The Teal Mask episode in the fall. Despite the long-awaited update, Pokemon Home version 3.0 represents progress towards the future of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. These games are currently accessible on Nintendo Switch.
Source: Twitter- AdeptCharon