Pokemon GO's Latest Move: Generous Compensation for Mewtwo Shadow Raid Mishaps

Pokemon GO's Latest Move: Generous Compensation for Mewtwo Shadow Raid Mishaps

Pokemon GO players impacted by Mewtwo Shadow Raid issues can now rest easy as The Pokemon Company and Niantic offer compensation to those affected

Players who participated in the recent Mewtwo Shadow Raid event in Pokemon GO may have experienced issues that prevented them from obtaining their rewards after successfully completing the battle. However, the Pokemon Company and developer Niantic have announced that they will be compensating affected players. This particular event, which took place in May 2023, introduced a new Raid type featuring the powerful Shadow Mewtwo and challenged players to put a stop to Team GO Rocket's evil plans. While players had the opportunity to capture Shadow Mewtwo with a Poke Ball, some were unable to earn the additional Rare Candy XL rewards due to various bugs.

Niantic Support Twitter account has released a statement addressing the issues related to the Mewtwo Shadow Raid event in Pokemon GO. As per the statement, players will receive Rare Candy XL rewards by the end of this week based on the number of Mewtwo Shadow Raids completed. The rewards will be either 10, 20, or 30, depending on the player's completion rate. However, Niantic has not shared specific metrics for the required number of Mewtwo Shadow Raids for Rare Candy XL rewards. Moreover, Niantic has confirmed that going forward, Shadow Raids will offer the same chances of rewarding Rare Candy XL as normal raids. This step has been taken to ensure that problems related to Rare Candy XL drops will not impact future Shadow Raid events. The next Shadow Raid event will start on June 10, featuring Shadow Articuno, and players should be able to earn Rare Candy XL rewards as intended.

Despite the disappointment surrounding the Hidden Gems season, Niantic's response to Pokemon GO players is reassuring for future Shadow Raid events. One of the most useful items in the game, Rare Candy XL, can be earned more often by testing skills in these battles. As for the upcoming Articuno Shadow Raid event and future events, official channels will likely provide more information in due time. For now, players can anticipate the appearance of Shadow Articuno in Shadow Raid battles every weekend throughout June 2023.

Pokemon GO is available now for Android and iOS.