Pokemon GO Trainers Advocate for a Major Trading Overhaul

Pokemon GO Trainers Advocate for a Major Trading Overhaul

Passionate Pokemon GO enthusiasts voice their desires on social media, proposing innovative ideas to enhance the trading feature in the immensely popular mobile game developed by Niantic


Fans are suggesting improvements to trading in Pokemon GO, including removing the geographic restrictions and allowing trades with anyone on the friend list.

Some players would appreciate a worldwide trading event that allows them to complete their collections and assist others, while still maintaining a level of challenge. Niantic has yet to suggest any plans to update the trading mechanics and the hefty Stardust costs are intended to deter cheating. However, in comparison to the mainline series, the trading experience in Pokemon GO remains constrained.

A vocal segment of the Pokemon GO fanbase has recently taken to social media to share detailed suggestions on how Niantic could enhance the trading aspect of the popular augmented reality game. As a result of their discussion, several new ideas have been added to the ongoing list of improvements that the fanbase has put forward thus far.

Despite introducing numerous new features and updates to the game since its release in the summer of 2016, the trading mechanism in Pokemon GO has remained relatively unchanged. In order to trade, players are still encouraged to establish friendships with their trading partners and regularly exchange gifts to increase their friendship levels, which subsequently reduces the Stardust cost of trading Pokemon. However, trades have always required trainers to physically meet in person, which can be inconvenient.

Unsatisfied with the current situation, a group of fans recently took to Reddit to argue that the game would greatly benefit from removing the geographic restriction on trading, similar to how it works in the mainline Pokemon games. User ChalvlPlo0 expressed their enthusiasm for the idea, stating that the ability to exchange pocket monsters with anyone on their friend list would be "amazing."

While some players supported this idea, others suggested they would be satisfied with a recurring event, such as a global trading day, that would allow them to complete their collections and assist others in doing the same. According to some, this feature would align with the game's community focus and enhance its accessibility, without compromising the challenge of the quest to catch 'em all. A few fans even proposed the idea of paying for the convenience of remote trades, especially since they currently have no opportunity to obtain most regional exclusives in Pokemon GO.

Niantic has not shown any serious intention to overhaul the trading mechanics in the game. Their previous statements on the issue suggested that the high costs of trading are meant to prevent cheating by acquiring rare creatures through bots and easily transferring them to main accounts. However, despite their reasons, it is undeniable that the trading system in Pokemon GO is extremely limited compared to the mainline series. Many players still hold out hope for some improvements, even though it seems unlikely after seven years since the game's release.

Pokemon GO is available now on Mobile.