Pokémon GO Incubators: A Costly Investment

Pokémon GO Incubators: A Costly Investment

Pokemon GO players are astounded by the exorbitant cost of the Hatch Box, sparking a heated debate within the community The investment needed to acquire these items has divided opinions among players

Article Key Points

Pokemon GO players can purchase a Hatch Box in the in-game store for a hefty price of 7,000 coins, which caused mixed reactions among the community.

The Hatch Box offers a bundle of 50 Incubators and 50 Super Incubators, presenting players with an advantageous option to enhance their egg-hatching progress. Despite some players' criticism towards the hefty price, others recognized the box as a worthwhile investment, as it renders the enclosed items more economically accessible compared to individual purchases.

A Pokemon GO player stumbled upon a Hatch Box in the in-game store, which comes with an astounding price tag of 7,000 coins. Pokemon GO is a free-to-play game, allowing players to enjoy the game without spending any money.

By engaging in various activities such as visiting PokeStops, completing Research Tasks, participating in Raids, or battling other trainers, players can acquire a range of items that include Poke Balls, Revives, and Potions. However, for those who wish to expedite their progress in the game, they have the option to purchase Poffins, Incense, Remote Raid Passes, boxes, and other items using PokeCoins. These virtual currencies can be obtained through real money transactions or by winning battles in Pokemon GO Gyms. Recently, a player came across a purchasable box in the game that left the community in awe due to its steep price.

Expensive Hatch Box Divides Opinion Among Pokemon GO Players

An image posted by Reddit user asteri_agaliarept showcased a Hatch Box priced at 7,000 coins. Acquiring this box rewards Pokemon GO players with 50 Incubators and 50 Super Incubators in a single purchase. Among the available incubators in the game, the Pokemon GO Super Incubator stands out. It has the ability to hatch eggs significantly faster than a regular Incubator, thus necessitating careful and strategic usage by players. The Hatch Box also features a Limited Incubator, capable of hatching up to three eggs when the player covers some distance. Players can acquire this item by leveling up, purchasing it from the in-game store, or completing Special Research tasks.

Pokemon GO players expressed mixed opinions about the 7,000-coin Hatch Box in the comments. Some criticized its high price, while others were indifferent as they did not frequently hatch Pokemon. A Redditor questioned the $60 cost of the box, and some players mentioned encountering other boxes priced at 5,250, 2,350, and 3,500 coins. Despite many users finding the price excessive, some considered it to be a favorable offer in the long run. One Redditor argued that although the Hatch Box is expensive, it provides a more affordable option compared to purchasing items separately.

The Hatch Box, discovered by asteri_agaliarept, is not the first time Pokemon GO players have been concerned about the game's prices. Discussions about the game's microtransactions, such as the increased cost of PokeCoins this year, have sparked debates within the community. However, the free-to-play model of the game continues to receive strong support, with many trainers enjoying Pokemon GO without spending any money.

Pokémon GO Incubators: A Costly Investment

Pokemon GO, an augmented reality mobile app, was released to the public in the summer of 2016 after a preliminary test run that involved an April Fools' joke on Google Maps. Since then, it has achieved tremendous success and remains one of the most popular mobile games globally, generating billions of dollars in revenue for its developer, Niantic.

Platform(s) iOS, AndroidReleased July 6, 2016Developer(s) Niantic, The Pokemon Company

Editor's P/S

As a passionate Pokemon GO player, I have mixed feelings about the exorbitant cost of the Hatch Box. On the one hand, I understand that Niantic needs to make money to keep the game running, and the Hatch Box is a way for them to do that. On the other hand, I think the price is too high for most players to justify.

Personally, I have never purchased a Hatch Box because I cannot afford it. However, I can see the appeal for players who want to hatch eggs quickly and efficiently. The Hatch Box offers a significant discount on Incubators and Super Incubators, so it can be a good investment for players who are serious about the game.

Ultimately, I think the decision of whether or not to purchase the Hatch Box is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. However, I encourage players to carefully consider the cost before making a decision.