Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse) Raid Strategy: Counters, Weaknesses & More

Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse) Raid Strategy: Counters, Weaknesses & More

Discover the ultimate guide to conquering Genesect (Douse) raids in Pokemon GO Uncover the monster's vulnerabilities, resistances, and the top-notch counters to ensure your victorious battles

The raid boss in Pokemon GO is the dual Bug and Steel-type monster Genesect (Douse), which is a 5-star boss. Niantic regularly changes the raid bosses, providing opportunities to encounter both common and rare Pokemon. Genesect has different forms, and the Douse form is particularly effective in challenging battles.

Genesect, a Mythical Pokemon from Generation 6, can reach a maximum CP of 3791 in Pokemon GO. As a 5-star boss, its power and stats are significantly increased. Genesect (Douse), already a strong Pokemon, becomes even more powerful, so trainers must work together to defeat this formidable opponent. A team with strong counters can swiftly defeat the boss. This guide provides comprehensive information on the Genesect (Douse) raid.

Pokemon GO: Genesect (Douse) Weaknesses And Resistances

Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse) Raid Strategy: Counters, Weaknesses & More

Genesect (Douse) boasts an impressive stat spread in Pokemon GO, with 252 (ATK), 199 (DEF), and 174 (STA), focusing on offense. Although this Mythical Pokemon is formidable, it does have weaknesses that trainers can exploit for victory. Genesect resists Normal, Grass, Poison, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Steel, and Psychic-type moves, but is vulnerable to Fire-type attacks.

During rainy or snowy weather, the 5-star raid boss Genesect (Douse) receives a power-up, so trainers should avoid raid locations with these conditions. Additionally, players can take advantage of the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) effect to deal extra damage to this Mythical Pokemon. The STAB effect occurs when a monster's attack type matches its attribute type.

Best Genesect (Douse) Raid Counters In Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse) Raid Strategy: Counters, Weaknesses & More

Genesect (Douse)

Fast Moves

Charged Moves

Mega Blaziken

Fire Spin

Blast Burn

Mega Y Charizard

Fire Spin

Blast Burn


Fire Fang

Fusion Flare

Mega X Charizard

Fire Spin

Blast Burn

Shadow Blaziken

Fire Spin

Blast Burn

Shadow Moltres

Fire Spin


Shadow Chandelure

Fire Spin


Shadow Entei

Fire Fang


Shadow Charizard

Fire Spin

Blast Burn

Shadow Infernape

Fire Spin

Blast Burn

When battling against Mythical Pokemon like Genesect (Douse), it is essential to assemble a formidable team of monsters with comparable strength. To defeat Genesect (Douse), trainers can strategically construct a battle roster based on its weaknesses. Here, we present a selection of highly effective Pokemon GO counters that can be utilized in Genesect (Douse) raids.

Pokemon GO players may be curious about the availability of Shiny Genesect (Douse) for capture. It is possible to come across a Shiny Genesect (Douse) upon successfully completing the Genesect (Douse) raid. However, the appearance of a Shiny Genesect (Douse) is not guaranteed after defeating the raid boss. While some trainers may encounter a Shiny variant, others may not.

Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse) Raid Strategy: Counters, Weaknesses & More

Pokémon GO

Franchise PokemonPlatform(s) iOS, AndroidReleased July 6, 2016Developer(s) Niantic, The Pokemon Company

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the release of Genesect (Douse) in Pokemon GO. This new 5-star raid boss is a challenging opponent, but it is also a great opportunity to catch a powerful Pokemon. I have been playing Pokemon GO since it was released in 2016, and I have always enjoyed the raid battles. They are a great way to team up with other players and work together to defeat a common enemy.

I think that the Genesect (Douse) raid is a great addition to the game. It is a challenging battle, but it is also fair. The boss has a lot of health and powerful attacks, but it is also vulnerable to certain types of moves. This means that players need to use strategy and teamwork to defeat it. I am looking forward to taking on the Genesect (Douse) raid with my friends and seeing if we can catch this powerful Pokemon.