Pokémon Enthusiast Crafts Captivating Regional Wiglett Variant

Pokémon Enthusiast Crafts Captivating Regional Wiglett Variant

A talented Pokemon fan unveils an exciting and imaginative regional variant for the beloved Water-type Pokemon, Wiglett, in the vibrant world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Discover a captivating new concept that will leave fans eager to explore this unique iteration


A Pokemon fan designed a new regional variant of Wiglett, a Generation 9 Pokemon that differs in appearance and type from the original Diglett.

The Wiglett native to the region is a Water-type Pokemon found in sandy beaches, contrasting with the original Diglett that inhabits tunnels and caves.

As it evolves, the new Wiglett transforms into Wugtrio, a three-bodied Pokemon. Additionally, fans have created a concept for another evolution named Whacklett, each possessing unique physical characteristics and types.

A Generation 9 Pokemon fan created a new variant of Wiglett, a Pokemon that was introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for Nintendo Switch last year. While Wiglett shares some similarities with the iconic Generation 1 Pokemon Diglett, researchers consider them to be two distinct species.

The main difference between Wiglett and Diglett is its long, pale body, which is easily recognizable in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Additionally, Wiglett is a Water-type Pokemon that typically resides on the sandy beaches of the Paldea region, while Diglett prefers living in underground tunnels and caves. When it reaches level 26, Wiglett evolves into Wugtrio, a three-bodied Pokemon with significantly improved statistics. Unlike its regular form, Wugtrio's body becomes a vibrant shade of red after evolving successfully.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fan Matratzfratz recently created a fresh variant of Wiglett that takes shelter in a wooden log instead of sand. This variant belongs to the Grass type, suggesting that it likely resides in forests and grassy areas rather than beaches. Additionally, Matratzfratz devised a new evolution for Wiglett called Whacklett, which is a combination of Grass and Fighting types. Unlike Wugtrio, Whacklett has a singular body, while still retaining its distinct red coloration. Instead of Wugtrio's black spiky rock, Whacklett wields a hefty spiked club.

Because of their divergent nature, these regional Wiglett possess different types compared to the original ones. Nevertheless, many fans in the Pokemon Reddit community find the newly designed Wiglett and Whacklett to be intriguing concepts for new regional convergent Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Convergent Pokemon often exhibit similarities to other Pokemon, therefore the regional Wiglett and Whacklett incorporate prominent physical traits from both Diglett and Paldean Wiglett Pokemon.

The likelihood of a new Wiglett variant being included in the upcoming DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet seems unlikely, but there is a chance that it could be introduced in the next generation of Pokemon. Both the Galar and Paldea regions introduced new regional Pokemon in Generation 8 and Generation 9 respectively, so it's possible that we may see new regional Wiglett in Generation 10.

Wiglett has gained significant popularity within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet community, so it is expected that players will continue to use and trade this Pokemon in the Teal Mask DLC. Some devoted Pokemon fans have even created their own shiny versions of Wiglett, experimenting with different colors and special effects.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Nintendo Switch.