PlayStation Top Executive Allegedly Terminated Over Emphasis on Live Service Games

PlayStation Top Executive Allegedly Terminated Over Emphasis on Live Service Games

Sony fires top executive amid rumors of tension over shift towards live service games Industry insider claims internal strife led to the departure of a key figure in the company's management


Sony Interactive Entertainment fired Head of Internal Production Connie Booth due to the company's increasing focus on live service PlayStation games.

The transition to live service games originated from the acquisition of Bungie, yet it has faced challenges and dissatisfaction from SIE studios. Booth's termination, combined with her team's departure, was partially attributed to the discontent within the company, which included the cancellation of The Last of Us multiplayer game.

Sony Interactive Entertainment's Head of Internal Production, Connie Booth, has reportedly been terminated due to the company's increasing emphasis on developing live service PlayStation games. Although the news of Booth's departure from PlayStation surfaced online in late October, an official confirmation is still pending.

In 2022, the PlayStation maker began shifting its focus toward live service games, a move that has been openly acknowledged on multiple occasions. This strategic transition commenced with the acquisition of Bungie, the visionary behind the Destiny series that revolutionized the games-as-a-service (GAAS) business model and was procured for a staggering $3.6 billion.

But Sony's shift towards live service games has not gone smoothly, resulting in Booth's departure from the gaming giant and other challenges, as reported by David Jaffe, a former SIE employee and creator of God of War. Jaffe, who previously revealed the executive's firing, provided further insight in a video posted on his YouTube channel on October 25. He claims that Booth's removal from the company was initiated by Sony's move towards live service PlayStation games.

Many SIE studios were unhappy with the directive, particularly because they had dedicated years to developing cinematic single-player games and felt that the company's leadership was no longer utilizing their strengths. The dissatisfaction reached new heights with the rumored cancellation of The Last of Us multiplayer game, although it has not been officially confirmed. According to two anonymous sources, the overall discontent within the company was attributed to Booth, as reported by Jaffe.

As a result, SIE's long-time executive, who had also served as Senior Vice President since late 2020, was abruptly fired. The report also indicates that the majority of Booth's team has since left the company, although it remains unclear whether they were fired or resigned in protest. The exact individual responsible for Booth's termination is unknown, but Jaffe speculates that there may have been a conflict between Booth and PlayStation Studios Head Hermen Hulst, who allegedly expressed interest in reducing the company's Japanese studios in the past.

Moving forward, SIE's focus on GAAS is anticipated to continue growing, despite the alleged turmoil. Jim Ryan, the outgoing PlayStation CEO, initiated this strategic shift and has consistently stated that live service games will surpass subscription offerings such as PS Plus and Xbox Game Pass. Although Ryan plans to retire in March 2024, it is likely that Sony will continue to follow the GAAS path he established.