Pikmin 4: Unveiling the Mysterious Number of Days within the Game

Pikmin 4: Unveiling the Mysterious Number of Days within the Game

Wondering about the time limit and duration of a day in Pikmin 4? Discover the game's secrets as we delve into whether there's a time constraint and how long each day lasts in this captivating adventure

Pikmin 4, like many modern video games, offers collectibles and side tasks to keep players engaged apart from the main story. While players can finish the main story in approximately ten hours, focusing solely on it, those who aim to discover all the Treasure and rescue every Castaway can expect to spend at least double the time, if not more. However, the game's structure may prompt some players to question whether it penalizes them for deviating from the main path.

In Pikmin 4, the gameplay is divided into different days, and players receive a report at the end of each expedition. Fans of the original Pikmin game, whether they played it during its initial release or when it was remastered by Nintendo, knows that the game had a time limit for completion. Consequently, they may now wonder about the number of days in Pikmin 4 and whether there is a set time limit for completing the main story.

Is There a Time Limit in Pikmin 4?

Pikmin 4: Unveiling the Mysterious Number of Days within the Game

How Long Does a Day Last in Pikmin 4?

There is no time limit in Pikmin 4, which gives players the freedom to fully immerse themselves in the game's vast world. Unlike the first Pikmin game, where players had to collect Olimar's ship parts within 30 days, Pikmin 4 allows players to explore at their own pace without any restrictions. While the game will still keep track of time, there are no fixed number of days or limits on expeditions. However, players will still need to ensure they return to their base at the end of each in-game day.

Pikmin 4: Unveiling the Mysterious Number of Days within the Game

In Pikmin 4, the passage of time plays a crucial role in the story. Each day in the game lasts approximately 20 minutes in real-world time, excluding loading screens and cutscenes. However, it's important to note that time moves much slower when exploring Sublevels, meaning that a day spent underground can be significantly longer. To track the remaining time of the day, players can refer to the meter located in the top left-hand corner of the screen, which is only visible when above ground.

Pikmin 4 is available now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.