Palworld: Mastering Carrying Capacity

Palworld: Mastering Carrying Capacity

Learn how to increase your carrying capacity in Palworld and never worry about being weighed down again. Whether you're building a base or embarking on an adventure, these methods will ensure you're always prepared.

The Weighty Dilemma

As you step into the captivating world of Palworld, you'll soon realize that the ability to carry more weight is crucial for your success. From the weight of a single stone to the heft of your inventory, the burden of carrying can slow you down and limit your capabilities. Fear not, for there are strategies to overcome this limitation. Let's delve into the methods that will empower you to carry more and thrive in this vibrant realm.

Palworld: the Weight stat

Palworld: the Weight stat

The Power of Progress

Advancing in Palworld requires more than just skill; it demands strategic enhancement of your character's abilities. One of the key attributes to focus on is Weight, as it directly influences your carrying capacity. By investing Stat Points into Weight, you can significantly increase the amount you can carry. This simple yet effective method ensures that you're always equipped to handle the challenges that come your way.

Palworld: stats

Palworld: stats

The Weighty Investments

Investing in your character's Weight stat is a wise decision that brings tangible benefits. Each Stat Point allocated to Weight boosts your carrying capacity by 50 kg, allowing you to carry more resources and equipment without being hindered by their weight. In the early stages, focusing on reaching a capacity of 500 kg is recommended, requiring you to upgrade the Weight stat four times. As a beginner, acquiring Stat Points is relatively straightforward, primarily through activities such as crafting, capturing Pals, and engaging in various in-game endeavors.

Unleashing the Partner Skill

For those seeking an alternative approach to increasing carrying capacity, the Cattiva Pal presents a practical solution. By capturing a Cattiva and adding it to your team, you can activate its Partner Skill, resulting in a 50 kg increase to your carrying capacity. This means that by including five Cattivas in your team, you can enhance your carrying capacity by an impressive 250 kg. It's important to note that replacing Cattiva with another Pal will revert your carrying capacity to its previous value, so choose your team wisely.

Palworld: Cattiva

Palworld: Cattiva