One Piece: The Hilarious and Unforgettable Nico Robin Moments That Will Leave You in Stitches!

Nico Robin, known for her maturity, surprises us with her hilarious moments From joining the Straw Hat Pirates to sneaking around the Land of Wano, her comedic side shines through Discover the funniest adventures of this enigmatic character!
When it comes to the always cheerful Straw Hat Pirates from One Piece, Nico Robin is not usually the first person that comes to mind when talking about the funniest crew member. In fact, in many of the comedic moments in the series, Robin didn't used to show much of a reaction.
However, despite her serious nature, Robin still manages to have her fair share of funny moments. From surprising her crewmates with her dark and twisted sense of humor to her unconventional and unexpected thoughts, Robin has often made fans laugh during her time with the Straw Hat Pirates. These moments serve as great examples of her comedic side.
9 Joining The Straw Hat Pirates
Content: Despite being the first Straw Hat to willingly join the crew, Robin's sudden arrival on the Going Merry caused a stir among the pirates due to her past affiliation with Baroque Works. Apart from Luffy, the rest of the crew harbored deep suspicions towards Robin.
In light of these suspicions, Usopp takes it upon himself to launch an unofficial inquiry into Robin's background. This is when viewers are exposed to Robin's dark sense of humor for the first time; she nonchalantly reveals that her expertise lies in assassination, sending Usopp into a state of panic.
8 Recruiting Franky
Undoubtedly, the Water 7 and Enies Lobby storylines in One Piece marked a pivotal moment for Robin. Not only did she confront her traumatic past, but she also discovered the true companionship of the Straw Hat Pirates.
Despite the immense challenges Robin faced at the hands of Spandam and CP9, the series provided a brief moment of humor for her. Specifically, Robin employed her unique and dark sense of humor to convince Franky, the shipwright from Water 7, to join the Straw Hats. She accomplished this by using her signature move, Dos Fleur, to playfully grab his private area.
7 Refusing To Do Pirates Docking 6
Despite Robin's patience surpassing that of her crewmates, she too has her limits. An instance of this was evident during the Thriller Bark arc, where she adamantly declined participating in the Pirates Docking 6: Big Emperor technique due to sheer embarrassment.
Franky and Usopp attempted to persuade her, but Robin remained steadfast in her decision, prompting Sanji to intervene and defend her. However, as Sanji began to reconsider witnessing Robin's docking, the chilling glance she shot him proved to be both amusing and entertaining for countless fans.
6 A Calming Devil Fruit?
Robin is often associated with her dark thoughts and remarks, but there are times when she embraces more lighthearted musings. Surprisingly, one such adorable moment took place when the Straw Hats first crossed paths with Bartholomew Kuma on Thriller Bark.
Upon learning about Kuma's consumption of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, which Usopp finds amusingly peaceful-sounding, Robin envisions three cute cats with remarkable paws. This scene may seem out of place considering the circumstances, but it highlights Robin's ability to find humor even in the most serious situations.
5 Crossing The Sea Of Punk Hazard
During the timeskip, Robin's morbid sense of humor and her wholesome thoughts remained intact. This is evident in the Punk Hazard arc when Robin, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp were preparing to cross over to the frozen half of Punk Hazard.
When Zoro suggests swimming to the other side, Luffy quickly reminds him that both Robin and himself cannot swim. This prompts Robin to imagine Zoro and Usopp carrying them across. While the situation is not as dire as it was during Thriller Bark, the adorableness of Robin's imagination, along with Usopp's strong objections, turns this scene into a moment that will make you giggle.
4 Robbing The Centaurs Of Their Warm Clothes
Having reached the freezing half of Punk Hazard, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp are on the verge of succumbing to the icy climate, caused by Aokiji's Hie Hie no Mi. Luckily, they unexpectedly come across Brownbeard and his group of centaurs, who happen to have warm clothes that the Straw Hats can use.
This scene showcases Robin's dark humor and also marks her initial involvement in her crew's mischievous antics, a trait she would continue to display in future arcs.
3 Meeting The Tontatta Tribe
During Robin and Usopp's exploration of Green Bit, they found themselves unexpectedly attacked by the Tontatta Tribe. The tribe was determined to prevent Robin from leaving, but to her astonishment, they quickly changed their minds and set her free after she promised not to harm them. This was a rare moment where Robin, known for her composed demeanor, showed a comedic expression, a characteristic usually associated with characters like Luffy and Usopp.
2 The Rising Dragon Ryunosuke
Robin's love for unconventional creatures is no secret. Initially, she was captivated by the Cerberus from Thriller Bark. However, during the Zou arc, her heart was won over by Kanjuro's poorly drawn dragon, affectionately named Ryunosuke by the Straw Hats.
What made Robin's time with Ryunosuke truly hilarious was her unexpected attachment to it. She wholeheartedly cheered Ryunosuke on as it climbed up to Zou, and couldn't help but shed tears when it reverted back into a mere drawing. This unforgettable moment became so popular among fans that it gave rise to numerous memes revolving around Robin and Ryunosuke.
1 Sneaking Around The Land Of Wano
Robin's presence in the Wano Country arc was exceptionally significant, and she had numerous unforgettable moments. Among them, the scene where she, alongside Usopp and Brook, tries to rendezvous with the crew in Kuri stands out for its comedic value.
The crew's wanted posters are scattered around the area, making it challenging for Robin, Usopp, and Brook to navigate their way to Kuri. However, with Brook's assistance, Robin and Usopp successfully deceive the guard by pretending to be haunted, leading to an amusing moment where Robin experiences her second face fault in the series since the Dressrosa arc.