One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Sanji's enduring friendships have been a vital pillar throughout his incredible journey, providing unwavering support, inspiration, and a deep sense of camaraderie in the captivating One Piece series


Sanji's closest allies and confidants, such as Nami, Luffy, and Zoro, have played a pivotal role in shaping his character and providing unwavering support.

The bond between Sanji and these individuals is defined by trust, mutual respect, and a willingness to set aside disparities for the betterment of the crew. These profound connections are established on shared experiences, sincere care for one another's welfare, and a resilient bond that has been proven and fortified through numerous challenges and escapades.

Sanji, the charismatic chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, is fortunate to have forged deep and meaningful relationships with several individuals. Throughout his journey in One Piece, he has found cherished allies and trusted confidants who have played a crucial role in shaping his character and offering unwavering support.

Among these exceptional individuals are Roronoa Zoro, an honorable swordsman, Nami, a perceptive navigator, and Monkey D. Luffy, a loyal and fearless captain. Sanji's closest friends represent a diverse and extraordinary group, whose camaraderie and shared adventures have cemented their bonds as an integral part of his life in the One Piece series.

5. Nami

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Nami and Sanji's relationship originated from their roles onboard the ship. Nami joined as the navigator during the Arlong Park Arc, while Sanji had been the chef since the Baratie Arc. Initially, their interactions revolved around their professional duties. However, they share a common goal and motivation: to support their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, and the crew in their search for the One Piece.

Apart from their playful and flirtatious dynamic, Nami and Sanji have a genuine friendship. Nami appreciates Sanji's culinary expertise and relies on him for delicious meals. In return, Sanji is always ready to provide for her.

4. Monkey D. Luffy

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, and Sanji, his closest and most significant friend in the One Piece series, share a friendship built on trust, loyalty, and deep understanding. Despite their contrasting personalities, Luffy's carefree and adventurous nature complements Sanji's refined and chivalrous personality. They have unwavering support for each other, respecting each other's strengths. Luffy recognizes Sanji's culinary talents and importance to the crew, while Sanji completely trusts Luffy's leadership.

Throughout their journey, Luffy and Sanji have faced numerous challenges together, from battling formidable foes to sharing moments of joy and providing support during tough times. The strength of their friendship was put to the test during the Whole Cake Island saga, but they successfully overcame the challenge through their unbreakable bond.

3. Roronoa Zoro

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Zoro and Sanji share a unique dynamic filled with playful arguments and competition, particularly surrounding their strength and abilities. These clashes of ego create a comedic rivalry that has become their trademark. Despite their humorous conflicts, they have a deep friendship and mutual respect. As fellow members of the Straw Hat crew, they have a strong bond that goes beyond their bickering. They are willing to set aside their differences and work together when the situation requires it, showcasing their cooperation and understanding for the greater good of the crew.

Their friendship is further evident in their genuine concern for each other's well-being. They are willing to risk their lives to protect each other, showcasing the depth of their friendship beyond their playful conflicts. A prime example of this was when Sanji rushed through hell to rescue the injured Zoro during the war at Onigashima in Wano.

2. Vinsmoke Reiju

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Reiju plays a significant role in Sanji's life, particularly considering the abusive upbringing they both endured within the Vinsmoke family. Unlike their other siblings, Reiju exhibits a more compassionate and caring nature towards Sanji, consistently displaying concern for his well-being. She extends acts of kindness and support, such as providing him with food and aiding him in difficult situations.

Despite their shared experiences, there is a certain tension between Sanji and Reiju. Sanji holds deep resentment towards his family, but he has a soft spot for Reiju. Their relationship reached a breaking point when Reiju assisted Sanji in escaping the torment and abuse inflicted by their family. However, in Whole Cake Island, Sanji repaid this debt, as he couldn't bear to abandon Reiju to a dreadful fate, despite knowing his family deserved the worst.

1. Zeff

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

Zeff, the former captain of the Cook Pirates and owner of the Baratie restaurant, plays a vital role in Sanji's life and is considered one of his closest friends in One Piece. Their connection begins when Zeff saves Sanji from a shipwreck during a storm, sacrificing his leg and providing him with food. This act of selflessness forms the basis of their friendship and evokes a deep sense of gratitude within Sanji.

As Sanji matures and pursues a career as a chef, he views Zeff as a mentor and paternal figure. Zeff becomes a source of inspiration for Sanji, imparting culinary knowledge and instilling a strong work ethic and principles of honor. Under Zeff's guidance, Sanji hones his culinary skills, dedicates himself to his craft, and cultivates a chivalrous nature.

Furthermore, Zeff's teachings go beyond the culinary arts within the One Piece universe. He imparts to Sanji the significance of loyalty, selflessness, and fighting for justice. Zeff's own experiences as a pirate, along with the hurdles he has faced, serve as a vital compass for Sanji as he bravely confronts the obstacles of the pirate world.

One Piece: Ranking Sanji's Closest Companions

One Piece

Release Date October 20, 1999Creator Eiichiro OdaStudio Toei AnimationGenres Action, Adventure, Comedy, FantasyNumber of Episodes 1082+