One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

Discover the surprising twist in One Piece's Marineford arc as Oda unveils a game-changing decision made just before the arc Explore the original plan, the alteration involving Ace, and the potential impact on the storyline Unveil the enigma surrounding Sabo's presence in Marineford

One Piece's Marineford arc is widely regarded as one of the most popular arcs in the series, serving as the climax of the first half of the story. This arc, part of the Paramount War Saga, revolves around Ace, Luffy's brother, who is handed over to the Navy by Blackbeard, leading to a proclamation of his execution.

In an attempt to save Ace, Luffy makes a desperate rush to Impel Down but is unable to reach his brother in time. As a result, the stage is set for the Paramount War, where the mightiest individuals collide, and Luffy finds himself thrust into the midst of it all. The Marineford arc holds a special place in the hearts of fans, many considering it the pinnacle of One Piece. However, this arc would have taken a very different direction if Oda hadn't made last-minute changes to his original plans.

Oda's Initial Plan For Marineford

One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

Oda's original plans for Marineford were significantly different, as the decision that ultimately changed the course of Ace's story had not yet been made. Initially, Ace was introduced as Luffy's older brother, and fans gradually became acquainted with the rest of Luffy's family. Following the Enies Lobby arc, it became clear that despite his affiliation with the Marines, Garp was Luffy's grandfather, and they shared a strong bond.

In addition to Garp, Luffy also discovered the truth about his father. Garp disclosed that Luffy's dad was the formidable leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon, one of the most dangerous individuals in the world. Consequently, the narrative began to focus more on Luffy's family dynamics. Garp and Dragon were granted more prominence, shedding greater light on their characters. Naturally, fans speculated that Ace was also Dragon's son, particularly when Ace met Garp. During their brief conversation at Impel Down, Ace insinuated that he distanced himself from his father and chose to adopt his mother's name when embarking on his journey at sea. This suggested that Ace harbored resentment towards Dragon, unbeknownst to fans that his true father was someone entirely different.

How Oda Changed His Plans For Ace

One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

Oda consulted his editor about making Ace the son of Gol D. Roger before the Marineford arc. The editor's positive reaction convinced Oda to proceed with this decision. Initially, Ace was not intended to be Roger's son, but Oda made a last-minute change that significantly impacted the story and Ace's character. This information was revealed in One Piece shortly before Ace's execution, when Sengoku informed the world about Ace's upbringing. Ace was conceived in Rouge's womb for 20 months and was born on the island of Baterilla in the South Blue. Garp, who had promised Roger to raise his child, eventually found and took care of Ace when he was too occupied as a Marine Vice Admiral. Although this storyline was well-written and logical, it is evident that Oda came up with it spontaneously. Prior to Marineford, Oda had planned for Ace to be Dragon's son, which made sense at the time.

How Marineford Would Have Changed

One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

If Oda had followed his original plan, Marineford would have turned out very differently. Killing Ace would have been a much more challenging task if he hadn't been Roger's son.

Whitebeard rushed to save Ace because he considered him to be like a son. However, if Ace had been Dragon's son, it would have been expected for Dragon to also show up. The manga itself supports this, with Ivankov telling Luffy that Dragon would never let his own son die without taking action. Luffy then reveals that Ace is actually Roger's son, shocking Ivankov. However, if Ace had truly been Dragon's son, it is likely that the Revolutionary Army would have appeared at Marineford.

The Navy, although strong, would have faced an insurmountable challenge if the Revolutionary Army had joined forces with the Whitebeard Pirates. This alliance would have made it nearly impossible for them to defeat both major forces of the world. Consequently, Oda would have found it difficult to kill off Ace, which may be the reason behind his decision to portray him as the son of Roger. If Ace had survived the events at Marineford, Luffy would probably not have undergone his crucial timeskip training, resulting in him not reaching the level of strength he possesses today. Oda would have been forced to explore alternative methods to enhance Luffy's abilities, ultimately altering the course of the story forever. While speculating about what could have been is undoubtedly entertaining, Oda ultimately chose to designate Ace as Roger's son and eliminate him to facilitate Luffy's growth as a pirate.

Sabo In Marineford

One Piece: Oda's Game-Changing Decision Just Before Marineford Shakes the World!

The reunion of the three brothers would have been a captivating aspect of the story if Ace had been revealed as Dragon's son. By the time Ace's impending execution was declared at Marine Headquarters, Sabo had already joined the Revolutionary Army. Dragon would have seized the opportunity to engage in battle with the Marines and form an alliance with Whitebeard. Simultaneously, fans would have witnessed Sabo's arrival at Marine HQ, leading to the long-awaited reunion of the three brothers who hadn't seen each other since childhood. Undoubtedly, this would have been an extraordinary moment for fans to behold.

Shanks' arrival at Marineford would have been affected if the pirates and revolutionaries had emerged victorious in the war. It was a last-minute decision made by Oda, and it becomes apparent that if there had been no necessity for it, Shanks would not have appeared.

This incident highlights how a single decision made by Oda significantly changed the course of events at Marineford. Fans are undoubtedly grateful to Oda for crafting such an incredible and heart-wrenching story, which affected both Luffy and the readers deeply. However, it is intriguing to contemplate how this entire arc could have unfolded differently if Oda had adhered to his original plans.