One Piece Chapter 1099 Synopsis: Kuma's Bargain with the Devil for Bonney's Cure

One Piece Chapter 1099 Synopsis: Kuma's Bargain with the Devil for Bonney's Cure

One Piece chapter 1099 reveals a shocking twist as Kuma strikes a dangerous deal with an unknown entity to save Bonney from a mysterious illness

The full summary spoilers for One Piece chapter 1099 were released on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, offering an exciting early look at the upcoming issue's events. The latest leaks reveal even more thrilling information, including details about Kuma's "deal with the devil." Additionally, the spoilers bring reassuring news that Oda finished this week's chapter in full, indicating that his health is not a major concern. With this positive development, fans can now shift their focus back onto the story itself rather than Oda's wellbeing.

One Piece chapter 1099 sees Kuma make a deal with the devil for Bonney's sake

Chapter 1099 of One Piece picks up right where the last one left off, with King Bekori back in the Sorbet Kingdom. He is determined to mirror the actions of the Goa Kingdom's king by burning down specific villages in the Sorbet Kingdom. Those who oppose are mercilessly gunned down by the king's soldiers.

Unable to tolerate the atrocities, Bartholomew Kuma destroys the palace and takes down King Bekori in what would later be known as the One-Man Revolution of Sorbet. Saint Jaygarcia Saturn gets wind of these events shortly after, while Kuma is reluctantly made the new king by the citizens' appeals. Despite this, he chooses to reside in the church, allowing King Bulldog to take the reins and govern the country instead.

One Piece chapter 1099 then reveals that Bonney one day ate her Age-Age Fruit by accident, which isn’t actually shown on-screen and is instead referenced. She then uses it to turn into her adult form (the one fans are most familiar with in the series’ contemporary events), resulting in everyone thinking she is Ginny.

One Piece Chapter 1099 Synopsis: Kuma's Bargain with the Devil for Bonney's Cure

The origins of Bonney's Devil Fruit powers are finally revealed in One Piece chapter 1099 (Image via Toei Animation)

King Bulldog and his mother, Conney, visit the church one day, leading Bonney to practice her transformation skills while watching the former Queen. This results in her old form bearing a striking resemblance to Conney, causing comical confusion. However, King Bulldog's visit was not on good terms, as it is revealed that King Bekori has managed to escape and now has the support of the World Government.

In chapter 1099 of One Piece, it is revealed that the news has portrayed Kuma as the tyrannical ruler of the Sorbet Kingdom, prompting the Marines to support Bekori in reclaiming the nation. Kuma decides to deal with Bekori once and for all but realizes that he cannot stay in the Kingdom after doing so. He entrusts Sorbet to Bulldog, declaring that he will take Bonney to live with him in the castle and ensure she avoids exposure to natural light.

Kuma is then seen confronting Bekori, who was accompanied by a Marine fleet in the middle of the sea. Bekori orders the Marines to kill him, but Kuma effortlessly sinks their ships. However, Bekori’s death isn’t confirmed. Kuma then decides to flee to the seas and become a pirate, earning many nicknames and a very high (but unspecified) bounty due to his strength.

Kuma's showdown with Bekori and the Marine fleet, the sinking of their ships, and his subsequent decision to become a pirate has cemented his reputation as a formidable force to be reckoned with. #Kuma #PirateLife

In One Piece chapter 1099, we see Bonney residing in the Sorbet Kingdom castle, expressing her desire to become a pirate like her father once she turns 10. As her fateful 10th birthday approaches, Kuma devotes his time to exploring the world in search of a cure for Bonney's illness. It is revealed that the islands he visits this time are the same ones he sent the Straw Hats to after the events of the Sabaody Archipelago arc.

Eventually, Kuma is reunited with Dragon on the "Wind Granma" ship in the middle of the sea. All of the current Revolutionary Army commanders, with the exception of Sabo and Koala, are present on the ship. Additionally, Dragon reveals that Ivankov and Inazuma have been captured and sent to prison, although no further details are provided.

In One Piece chapter 1099, Belo Betty requests Kuma's permission to become the Commander of the East Army, as Dragon wouldn't allow it without Kuma's express consent. Kuma laughs and jokes that a woman with a sharp tongue as a commander is fine with him. Dragon then talks to Kuma about Dr. Vegapunk, mentioning that he hadn't recommended it earlier because it's impossible to speak to Vegapunk when he's in Punk Hazard.

One Piece Chapter 1099 Synopsis: Kuma's Bargain with the Devil for Bonney's Cure

Caesar Clown's actions set up Bonney's salvation in One Piece chapter 1099 (Image via Toei Animation)

After a recent accident involving an explosion caused by Caesar Clown, Dr. Vegapunk had to relocate to a new laboratory on Egghead Island. After receiving information from Dragon, Kuma expresses his willingness to fight for the Army again in order to cure Bonney. Dragon advises him to leave fate to the “blow of the wind” as they part ways once more.

In One Piece chapter 1099, Bonney is shown learning to fight, displaying her ability to defeat an adult in hand-to-hand combat while in her child form. Kuma then arrives at Sorbet Kingdom, placing Bonney in a box and transporting her to Egghead Island. Meanwhile, as Kuma converses with Dr. Vegapunk, Bonney and Setnomaru play together.

Dr. Vegapunk announces a way to cure Bonney’s disease, but the expense is projected to be significant due to advanced technology, likening it to the cost of constructing a cyborg. He then examines Kuma’s blood, discovering his affiliation with the Buccaneers. When questioned by Dr. Vegapunk about meeting a World Government affiliate, Kuma expresses his trust in Dragon.

In One Piece chapter 1099, Kuma questions Dr. Vegapunk about the difference between his blood and that of a normal human. However, the doctor explains that there are not enough samples to provide a clear answer. Dr. Vegapunk then proposes to cure Bonney for free if he agrees to become the host of his clone army. Kuma agrees, but inquires about the purpose of the clones.

Kuma is informed that the clones will be transformed into Marines, equipped with laser beams to combat evil pirates and possessing strong bodies to protect innocent people. Meanwhile, in Mariejois, it is revealed that Saint Saturn is eavesdropping on their entire conversation. He remarks that Dr. Vegapunk is not fully utilizing this opportunity, and claims to have an idea.

However, in One Piece chapter 1099, the story cuts back to Egghead Island before Kuma elaborates on his decision. He accepts Dr. Vegapunk’s offer, stating that if the clones can save lives, then perhaps that is his true purpose. Dr. Vegapunk praises Kuma as a saint, but Kuma humbly refers to himself as a “pacifista.” The chapter concludes with Dr. Vegapunk announcing that the clones will be known as "pacifista," and it is also confirmed that there will be no break next week for the series.

Stay updated on all One Piece anime, manga, films, and live-action news as we progress through 2023.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am thrilled about the latest developments in One Piece chapter 1099. The shocking revelation of Kuma's bargain with an unknown entity to save Bonney from her mysterious illness has left me eagerly anticipating the upcoming issue. The depth and complexity of the One Piece storyline continue to impress me, and I can't wait to see how this new twist unfolds.

The backstory of Bonney's Devil Fruit powers and her connection to the Sorbet Kingdom adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative. It's exciting to finally learn more about Bonney's past and how her powers came to be. The revelation that she accidentally ate the Age-Age Fruit and initially transformed into her adult form by accident adds a touch of humor to the story.

Overall, One Piece chapter 1099 has left me with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and curiosity. I can't wait to see how the story progresses and how Kuma's actions will impact the world of One Piece.