The future storylines in One Piece, following the events of the Egghead Island Arc, will introduce thrilling adventures in Elbaf, Lodestar Island, and the Moon Arc. Additionally, there is a potential for a monumental Great War Arc and an intriguing Laugh Tale Arc.
Fans are eagerly awaiting the Elbaf arc, where the Straw Hat Pirates will be reunited with the Giants Dorry and Brogy. This arc may also involve a face-off with Yonko Shanks.
The Moon arc is captivating as it delves into the enigmatic moon and its ties to the One Piece world's history and winged races. With the introduction of Vegapunk, the possibility of actually exploring the moon becomes increasingly feasible.
One Piece is currently in the Egghead Island Arc, marking the start of the Final Saga. This arc signifies the culmination of the story, causing chaos in the world of One Piece. The Egghead Island arc has increased the level of turbulence in the One Piece universe.
Fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Egghead Incident, as it appears that the Egghead Island Arc is reaching its climax. This suggests that new arcs will soon unfold. Although the exact number of arcs after Egghead is unknown, there are certain destinations that the Straw Hats must explore.
6 Elbaf Arc
After the conclusion of Egghead Island, the upcoming arc that fans have eagerly awaited is Elbaf. The anticipation for this arc began when the Straw Hat Pirates encountered Dorry and Brogy on Little Garden. Currently, these two Giants reside on Elbaf, making fans eagerly await their reunion.
In the Egghead Island Arc, this island held great significance as it revealed that Saul was alive, and it also showcased the presence of the books from Ohara. Visiting this island is essential for the Straw Hat Pirates, especially for characters like Nico Robin and Usopp. Additionally, it is worth noting that Elbaf is believed to be under Yonko Shanks' territory, indicating a possible confrontation with him in the future war.
5 Lodestar Island Arc
Lodestar Island, situated at the end of the log pose, holds great significance as it is the key to uncovering the secrets of the Poneglyphs. The Straw Hat Pirates, diligently following the log pose, will inevitably reach this island in due time. While they already possess knowledge about the Poneglyphs and have made progress in deciphering them, it is intriguing that Oda introduced this island without assigning much importance to it. Surely, there must be a deeper purpose to its existence, and it is highly likely that Oda may dedicate an entire arc to explore its mysteries once the Straw Hat Pirates arrive.
4 The Moon Arc
The moon in the One Piece world is a seemingly magical place that has indeed been visited by people. Enel, for example, went there after the events in Skypiea. Exploring the moon would not be a fruitless endeavor, as its history is deeply intertwined with the origin of the winged races. Considering that One Piece is an adventure-based story, it is not far-fetched to speculate that the Straw Hat Pirates will eventually journey to the moon. The inclusion of Vegapunk in the series adds even more credibility to this possibility.
3 Great War Arc
The Great War arc in One Piece is a highly anticipated event that will surpass even the historic Marineford arc. Taking place in the Void Century, this arc will feature the largest war in history. As Imu becomes increasingly impatient, the day of reckoning draws nearer. Fans eagerly await the start of this incredible arc and anticipate the breathtaking experience of witnessing it firsthand.
2 Laugh Tale Arc
The Laugh Tale Arc is anticipated to be the ultimate conclusion of One Piece. Luffy and his crew must journey to the Final Island and uncover the truth behind the world's origins and the establishment of the existing order. Additionally, the arc will delve into the history of the D lineage and the significance of the Ancient Weapons. Fans can expect all the long-standing mysteries of the One Piece universe to be unveiled, potentially including flashbacks revealing the secrets of the original Joyboy. Undoubtedly, the Laugh Tale Arc is anticipated to be the most mind-bending installment in the entire One Piece series according to fans.
1 Post War Arc
After the establishment of a new world order in One Piece, there is a high possibility that Oda will focus on an arc depicting the aftermath of this change. The installation of a new order within the Marines and the fate of Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates will undoubtedly pique the curiosity of fans.
Predictably, numerous casualties will occur during the Great War, leading to a significant upheaval in the balance of power on the seas. This arc is likely to evoke intense emotions, especially among devoted fans, as it marks the nearing end of the One Piece series. Finally, after an extraordinary journey, Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates will bid farewell to everyone in this particular arc.