New Glimpse into Genshin Impact's Arlecchino Kit Unveiled

Get an exclusive look at the latest leaks regarding the anticipated addition of the Fatui Harbinger Arlecchino to Genshin Impact. Discover detailed insights into the mysterious character's upcoming kit and abilities.
A new character named Arlecchino in Genshin Impact has been leaked, revealing more details about them. This character has already appeared multiple times in the game as part of the Fontaine arc, which has introduced many new characters, some of whom are now playable.
During a recent livestream event for Genshin Impact version 4.5, it was confirmed that a new five-star character named Chiori will be coming soon. Chiori is presented as a famous fashion designer from Inazuma. While Chiori has not been officially released yet, leaks are already suggesting that other characters may also join the roster in the upcoming updates.
Arlecchino made her debut in the A Winter Night's Lazzo trailer as one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Fans have been curious about her power, with rumors suggesting she is one of the most formidable characters among the high-ranking Fatui officers. A reliable leaker known as hxg_diluc has shared more details about Arlecchino's abilities and role on the battlefield.
Arlecchino's kit is not limited to just the Overload elemental reaction; she can also be a valuable asset in a Vaporize team composition.
She can deal damage to multiple enemies at once.
Her signature weapon is very specific, which means that other characters cannot fully utilize it.
She has been described as "Big Hu Tao", which could indicate her playstyle.
Bennett can be used alongside Arlecchino, but she is not completely reliant on having this four-star character.
Genshin Impact Arlecchino scene
New Arlecchino Leaks Explained
Arlecchino's abilities in the game show that she can control the Pyro element. This allows her to trigger the elemental reaction called Overload by combining Pyro with Electro. Fans are excited to see Arlecchino being a valuable addition to Vaporize team compositions, as this is considered one of the top elemental reactions in Genshin Impact.
The unique characteristics of her signature weapon suggest that Arlecchino may have a particular style of play. Described as the "Big Hu Tao," it hints that she could become one of the top Pyro DPS characters in Genshin Impact.
Not having Bennett in her party could help Arlecchino stay healthy in most fights, unlike Hu Tao who constantly loses HP due to her playstyle. There is no official release date for Arlecchino yet, but fans anticipate her to be added in one of the next three updates.
Editor's P/S:
This article provides exciting leaks and details about the upcoming character Arlecchino in Genshin Impact. As a fan of the game, I am thrilled to learn more about her abilities and role in the story. Arlecchino's versatility as a Pyro and Vaporize team asset is particularly intriguing, and I am eager to see how she performs in battle.
The comparison to Hu Tao as the "Big Hu Tao" suggests that Arlecchino may become a powerful Pyro DPS character. Her unique signature weapon further hints at a distinct playstyle, which I am curious to experience. While the article does not reveal an official release date, it estimates her arrival within the next three updates, which has me eagerly anticipating her addition to Genshin Impact's roster.