Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

Netflix's live-action One Piece show could omit certain arcs Here are the top 4 arcs that can be skipped: 4) Thriller Bark, 3) Long Ring Long Land, 2) Fish-Man Island, and 1) Combining two minor Season 2 arcs


Netflix's One Piece may need to skip certain arcs in order to adapt the entire story, but choosing which ones to remove is a difficult task.

Certain less important arcs in the live-action adaptation can be omitted without impacting the storyline. Additionally, some arcs can be condensed, emphasizing only the essential plot points.

In order to successfully adapt Eiichiro Oda's entire story for Netflix's One Piece, certain anime and manga arcs may need to be skipped. However, selecting which ones to omit is a challenging task. One Piece is currently enjoying immense popularity and streaming success, leading Netflix to move forward with the second season. Producer Marty Adelstein hopes for a total of 12 seasons, but even if that were to miraculously happen, some arcs from the manga, which currently stands at almost 1100 chapters, would still need to be cut.

Excluding the anime-only filler, there are very few obvious arcs that could be removed from Netflix's live-action adaptation without negatively impacting the story. One of the highlights of Oda's manga is how each arc contributes to the overarching narrative, expanding the lore, character development, and unraveling the mysteries surrounding Luffy's journey. Nevertheless, Netflix's One Piece can still remove a select few anime and manga arcs without jeopardizing the overall story.

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4 Thriller Bark

Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

Thriller Bark, a horror-themed arc in One Piece, is considered one of the least significant storylines. However, Netflix's live-action adaptation only requires one aspect from this arc - the introduction of Brook, the skeletal musician, as the ninth crew member. The rest of Thriller Bark, including Luffy's battle against the shadowy warlord known as Gecko Moria, can be completely omitted from Netflix's show. If the adaptation can find a simpler and less complicated way to introduce Brook without involving stolen shadows and salt, the remaining 48 chapters of Thriller Bark can be discarded.

The only other storyline that might potentially require continuation is the sword fight between Zoro and an undead samurai, which gains significance later in the narrative. Given that Luffy transforms into a colossal zombie and a chaotic mix of supporting characters, adapting Thriller Bark for a live-action production seems nearly impossible, regardless of its relevance to the One Piece story. The cheesy scares and exaggerated antics already appear corny in animation, so incorporating them into the Netflix adaptation would involve an enormous risk that simply isn't worth the effort, considering the numerous other ways to convey Thriller Bark's most important tales.

3 Long Ring Long Land

Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

While every One Piece arc typically carries some level of narrative significance, the Long Ring Long Land arc, also known as the "Davy Back Fight," deviates from this pattern. This arc showcases a competitive series of sports-like challenges between the Straw Hats and the Foxy Pirates, where each crew attempts to steal members from the opposing side. Despite its status as a filler arc, the Long Ring Long Land arc stretches 19 chapters to feel like a staggering 90, making even Thriller Bark, another arc, seem concise by comparison. If the upcoming live-action One Piece adaptation on Netflix is looking to trim its source material, the Davy Back Fight will undoubtedly be at the top of the list.

2 Fish-Man Island

Interestingly, during the first season of One Piece, there was a subtle hint of what was to come in the Long Ring Long Land arc. When Luffy and Koby were looking through the wanted posters in Shells Town, there was a brief sighting of Foxy's poster as an Easter egg, confirming that he exists in the live-action world. Similar to the absence of Jango, another pirate whose wanted poster could be seen in this scene, Foxy's cameo suggests that the character may not be fully adapted in Netflix's TV show, making his appearance more like a quick and hidden reference. It would be beneficial for everyone if One Piece's Davy Back Fight arc never makes it to the live-action adaptation.

Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

One Piece's Fish-Man Island arc takes significant steps towards advancing Luffy's story. It introduces an essential character from the One Piece universe, the giant mermaid Shirahoshi. The arc also offers hints about the ongoing poneglyph and Joyboy mysteries, while strengthening the bond between the Straw Hats and their future helmsman, Jinbe. Additionally, Fish-Man Island serves as a platform to highlight the impressive growth of each Straw Hat member during the two-year time skip in One Piece. Although the arc's length may need some adjustment, Netflix cannot disregard the importance of Fish-Man Island.

1 Two Minor One Piece Season 2 Arcs Could Be Combined

The primary antagonist of the Fish-Man Island saga in One Piece, Hody Jones, lacks memorability as he merely serves as a recycled version of the previous villain, Arlong. Luffy effortlessly overpowers Hody without needing to exert his full strength. To streamline the 51-episode anime arc on Netflix's One Piece, it would be wise to remove Hody and other insignificant subplots related to the Fish-Men. This would allow the series to promptly delve into the much more significant Punk Hazard storyline. The live-action adaptation could allocate minimal time to introduce Shirahoshi, provide foreshadowing, and tease Jinbe's possible inclusion in the Straw Hat crew. Consequently, Fish-Man Island would only occupy a single episode, serving as a brief visit.

Netflix's Live-Action One Piece: Must-Watch Anime Arcs for Fans!

Despite the temptation to trim down some of the smaller arcs in One Piece's anime and manga, removing certain key factors poses a challenge for Netflix. Among the upcoming season 2 episodes, two of these arcs will be featured - or perhaps omitted. Whisky Peak, while lacking a central villain or significant island importance, holds significance as the arc where Vivi initially joins the Straw Hat crew without formal confirmation. Furthermore, the events within Whisky Peak serve to establish the authority and sway of Baroque Works in the world of One Piece, making it too vital to exclude entirely.

Little Garden marks another chapter in the ongoing battle between the Straw Hats and Baroque Works, introducing the formidable giants, Dorry and Brogy. These larger-than-life characters play a significant role in Usopp's personal growth and will soon regain relevance as the One Piece manga finally approaches Elbaf, the giants' homeland, after 1000 chapters of anticipation. While both story arcs are important, Netflix's One Piece adaptation could potentially merge Whisky Peak and Little Island into a condensed mini-arc. This would enable the inclusion of Vivi, Dorry, and Brogy, while effectively showcasing the might of Baroque Works in a shorter time frame. By doing so, the series can swiftly progress towards the pivotal Alabasta stage. One Piece is currently available for streaming on Netflix.