Netflix's Initial Dismissal: Stranger Things Merchandise Was Never Part of Their Subscription Business Plan

Netflix's Initial Dismissal: Stranger Things Merchandise Was Never Part of Their Subscription Business Plan

Stranger Things: A Phenomenon that Transformed Netflix

Article Overview

Netflix initially resisted making Stranger Things merchandise, citing their focus on the subscription business.

The show's opening weekend generated a significant social media buzz, prompting Shawn Levy to propose the idea of selling merchandise. Following the success of Stranger Things, Netflix decided to adopt a new strategy and began selling merchandise for other popular shows.

Initially, Netflix resisted the idea of producing merchandise for Stranger Things, stating that it wasn't their primary focus. Since its debut in 2016, Stranger Things has become one of Netflix's most popular series, spanning four seasons already. The release of Stranger Things season 5 is anticipated to be in 2025. According to Stranger Things executive producer, Shawn Levy, he approached a Netflix executive with the concept of merchandise after witnessing the immense social media buzz surrounding the show during its opening weekend. However, the Netflix executive declined, emphasizing that their main focus was on the subscription business.

How Stranger Things Changed Netflix

When we created Stranger Things, we had no certainty that anyone would actually watch it. In those days, Netflix did not disclose viewer numbers, so the only gauge we had was the buzz in the cultural landscape. As soon as it premiered, I noticed a surge of activity on social media. This prompted me to reach out to Netflix and propose exploring merchandising and other related avenues. I vividly recall the response from the Netflix executive: "Respectfully, our focus is on subscriptions." This exchange highlighted how utterly unprepared all of us were, Netflix included, for the phenomenon that Stranger Things would become.

Netflix's Initial Dismissal: Stranger Things Merchandise Was Never Part of Their Subscription Business Plan

Levy raises a valid argument regarding the correlation between Netflix's questionable past viewership figures and the launch of Stranger Things. The show premiered at a time when Netflix may have maintained secrecy, however, social media platforms such as Twitter were still thriving. Consequently, even without official Netflix ratings, it was relatively simple to ascertain the success of Stranger Things through online browsing.

Netflix's original show, Stranger Things, surpasses all others in terms of distinction. It has garnered multiple Emmy Award nominations and holds the record for the highest viewership on Netflix (which is now disclosed by the platform). Moreover, Stranger Things has prompted Netflix to experiment with its format. The fourth season of Stranger Things was released in two parts, creating suspense and leaving viewers eagerly awaiting the season finale.

Stranger Things, a franchise that offers an array of merchandise, has significantly impacted Netflix's official store. The store now sells a wide range of Stranger Things products, such as t-shirts, pins, soundtrack vinyls, and even branded basketballs. This step towards merchandising has also resulted in a transformation of Netflix's branding, as they now offer merchandise for other popular shows like Sex Education, Bridgerton, and Big Mouth. Initially, Levy may have been the sole individual who foresaw the larger picture of Stranger Things. However, in hindsight, the executive producer accurately predicted the impending craze surrounding Stranger Things.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about Netflix's initial dismissal of Stranger Things merchandise. On the one hand, I understand that Netflix was focused on its subscription business and may not have anticipated the massive popularity of Stranger Things. On the other hand, I think it's a missed opportunity for Netflix to capitalize on the show's popularity and generate additional revenue.

I think it's great that Netflix has since changed its stance on merchandise and is now selling Stranger Things merchandise. This shows that Netflix is listening to its customers and is willing to adapt its business model. I'm excited to see what other merchandise Netflix will release in the future.

Overall, I think Netflix's initial dismissal of Stranger Things merchandise was a mistake. However, I'm glad that Netflix has since changed its stance and is now selling merchandise. I'm excited to see what other merchandise Netflix will release in the future.