Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Casting Hints at an Exciting Spinoff

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Casting Hints at an Exciting Spinoff

Netflix's live-action casting for Avatar: The Last Airbender reveals a potential spinoff featuring the intriguing character Kyoshi With her captivating backstory, Kyoshi would make a perfect candidate for an exciting standalone series, and Netflix seems to have a clear vision for this thrilling spinoff

Article Overview

Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation will include Kyoshi, setting up a potential spinoff series.

Kyoshi's presence in the series can prioritize pivotal instances from the animated show, particularly her trial on Kyoshi Island.

With an extensive backstory and an already established book series delving into her life, a live-action spinoff can readily delve into Kyoshi's history, her close relationships, and her dedication to social justice.

Netflix's live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender is already setting the stage for a potential spinoff series. With its scheduled release in 2024, the production is well underway. Anticipation has been high for the casting of the main Team Avatar heroes, as well as the colorful side characters from the Avatar universe. However, there has been speculation about which characters will actually be included in the show.

Given the vast number of characters in the source material, it is difficult to determine which ones will make the final cut. Nevertheless, the supporting cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender is starting to come together, providing a clear indication of possible spinoff opportunities. This has been achieved through the inclusion of a specific character, setting the stage for the potential expansion of the Avatar universe.

Netflix's Live-Action Last Airbender Casting Confirms Kyoshi Is In The Show

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Casting Hints at an Exciting Spinoff

In addition to Avatar Aang, the original animated series features appearances by several previous Avatars in spirit form, including Yangchen and Roku. One of these past Avatars, Kyoshi, provides valuable advice to Aang and serves as Roku's predecessor as the Earth Kingdom Avatar. The fact that Kyoshi will be appearing in the live-action Avatar series suggests the possibility of a spinoff centered around her character. It has been confirmed that Kyoshi, along with other side characters, will be making an appearance in Netflix's live-action series, set to release in 2021. The role of Kyoshi will be portrayed by Yvonne Chapman, an accomplished Chinese-Canadian actress known for her performance as Zhilan Zhang in the CW's Kung Fu, where she transitioned from a supporting role to a main role in its second season.

Although Kyoshi's role in the animated series was not extensive, her appearances were crucial to Aang's journey towards becoming the Avatar. Depending on how closely the live-action series follows the original show, it is important for Chapman's Kyoshi to have a significant presence in the key scene of Aang's trial on Kyoshi Island. This moment, in which Kyoshi speaks through Aang and confesses to killing Chin the Conqueror, is considered her most iconic moment as an Avatar. The series could also adapt the scene in which Aang seeks guidance from Kyoshi's spirit regarding Ozai.

Avatar Kyoshi's Backstory Would Be The Perfect Avatar: The Last Airbender Spinoff

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Casting Hints at an Exciting Spinoff

Kyoshi, the oldest documented human, lived to the impressive age of 230. Her remarkable longevity offers an abundance of historical material for a potential Avatar spinoff. Unlike other Avatars, Kyoshi discovered her true identity as the Avatar during her later years, following a challenging childhood. Raised by criminal parents who led the influential Flying Opera Company, Kyoshi's early experiences molded her into a strong-willed individual willing to take lives to protect others. It is her unwavering determination and resilience that make her an ideal candidate for a standalone series.

In a Kyoshi Avatar spinoff, the extensive cast of characters involved in her past would play significant roles. Delving into the dynamics of friendship and romance with her closest allies, Yun and Rangi, would add depth to the storyline. Furthermore, exploring familial bonds through the character Kelsang and Kyoshi's associates in the Flying Opera Company would provide additional layers to her journey as the Avatar. Each character had a profound impact on Kyoshi's evolution, contributing to her development as an Avatar.

Apart from her personal experiences, Kyoshi actively fought for social justice causes throughout her life, including feminism and queer equality. Incorporating these important themes into the spinoff would enhance its substance and offer valuable narratives to explore.

Netflix Already Has A Blueprint For A Live-Action Kyoshi Spinoff

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Live-Action Casting Hints at an Exciting Spinoff

One great advantage of Kyoshi's Avatar story is that it is already structured for storytelling purposes. The Rise of Kyoshi, published in 2019, delves into the origins of Avatar Kyoshi's childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. The sequel, The Shadow of Kyoshi, released in 2020, explores her life after becoming the Avatar. These two books provide a solid foundation for two seasons of a television series centered around Kyoshi. With so much material to cover, the straightforward blueprint of her story gives even more reason for a live-action spinoff.

Kyoshi is one of Avatar's most intriguing characters due to her extensive history and unique perspective. The book series about her serves as a mere glimpse into how her life story could be adapted into a live-action series, something that hasn't been explored to this extent for many other Avatar characters. Kyoshi's life was filled with friendships, grief, and achievements, making it an ideal fit for a television adaptation. Moreover, the fact that Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender has already cast an actress for Kyoshi indicates the potential for a new range of independent adventures separate from Aang's storyline.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am thrilled about the possibility of an Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action spinoff focusing on Kyoshi. Kyoshi is a compelling character with a rich backstory and complex personality, and I believe she deserves her own series.

I am particularly interested in seeing how the spinoff will explore Kyoshi's relationships with her friends and allies, such as Yun and Rangi. These relationships are an important part of Kyoshi's character development, and I think it would be fascinating to see them fleshed out in a live-action setting.

I am also eager to see how the spinoff will depict Kyoshi's time as the Avatar. Kyoshi is a powerful and skilled Avatar, but she is also a deeply flawed character. I think it would be interesting to see how the spinoff explores Kyoshi's struggles and triumphs as she tries to balance her personal life with her duties as the Avatar.

Overall, I am very excited about the potential of an Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action spinoff focusing on Kyoshi. I think it has the potential to be a great show that explores complex themes and characters.