Mortal Kombat 1 Gamers Turn to Time Travel to Bypass Skin Purchases

Mortal Kombat 1 Gamers Turn to Time Travel to Bypass Skin Purchases

Mortal Kombat 1 players are discovering a loophole allowing them to unlock coveted skins without payment, by utilizing console time travel capabilities

Players of Mortal Kombat 1 have discovered a way to access free skins from season 1's Invasion Mode by manipulating their consoles, which the game's developers, NetherRealm, are now charging for. This change has sparked criticism from fans who feel that the new purchase system is unfair.

In response to the negative reaction, fans are searching for alternative methods to access the old content without having to spend money. Some gamers have found a way to access the content by adjusting the clock on their consoles. The move towards monetization with Mortal Kombat 1 has upset the community even further, as skins that were originally obtainable through the Invasions mode in Season 1 can now only be purchased from the in-game store.

Players are now required to hand over Dragon Krystals, the game’s currency, for these previously free skins.

Players on Twitter have been sharing tactics on how to manipulate the system and obtain these skins without paying. A Mortal Kombat enthusiast recently revealed a time-traveling hack on social media, allowing users to purchase all previous season items by adjusting the date on their PS5 to a date before November 6th.

The Twitter user then stated that players can achieve completing last season's Mesa by loading up the game, purchasing all last season's items, and then changing the date back to the present day to keep everything. This has been criticized by others as a "new low" from the developers, with players being upset about having to pay for content that was previously available for free in-game.

NetherRealm's response to this new wave of criticism remains to be seen, as they work to address the in-game hack. For up-to-date Mortal Kombat news, guides, and updates, visit Dexerto for comprehensive coverage.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I feel frustrated and disappointed by the recent monetization of Mortal Kombat 1 skins. It's unfair to charge players for content that was previously available for free. I understand that developers need to make money, but this feels like a cash grab. I'm also concerned about the precedent this sets for other games. If developers start charging for content that was previously free, it will make it harder for players to enjoy their games without spending a lot of money.

I hope that NetherRealm will reconsider their decision to charge for Mortal Kombat 1 skins. They could make money in other ways, such as selling new characters or cosmetic items. I'm also disappointed in the way that NetherRealm has handled this situation. They have not been transparent with players about the changes, and they have not responded to the backlash. I hope that they will do a better job of communicating with players in the future.